isaac lahey ♞ is that my scarf?

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You woke up to a strong arm around your waist. "Isaac, babe?" you said poking his face.

"Hmmm." he hummed back.

"We gotta go to school."

"Can we just stay like this all day?"

"No, you have to go."

"Ughh why?"

"Because my dad is going to kill you if he knew you slept here last night."

"Y/N! GET UP! IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL!" Your dad shouted from outside your door.

"Crap, Isaac! Get out!"

Isaac got out of your bed, grabbed his backpack, and jumped out your window. You saw his sweater, and realized he left shirtless.

"Y/N?" your dad asked coming into your room.


"What was that sound?"

"What sound?"

"I bet it was nothing. Get ready. I'll see you in the car."


Your dad dropped you off at school, but not before asking why you were wearing a oversized sweater. You just told him that you bought the wrong size, but still wanted to wear it.

When you walked in you spotted Isaac, Scott, and Stiles by Scott's locker. Isaac eyes immediately found you and he stared at you in awe. When you walked up the boys looked at you, clearly confused.

"Why do you smell like Isaac?" Scott asked you.

"Is that my sweater that I left at your house this morning?"

"Maybe..." you started blushing.

"Well I think you look hot in it." Isaac said, pulling you closer to him.

"Okay, I don't need to see that this early in the morning, goodbye." Stiles said and walked away. You and Isaac started laughing.

"I agree with Stiles, I'll umm see you later." Scott added.

"As I was saying, you look hot." Isaac said again.

"So do you. Wait, is that my scarf?"

"What? No. This is totally mine." He quickly replied.

"You are such a liar."

"I know." Isaac said and then kissed you. "I love you."

"And I love you." You kissed him again. 

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