theo raeken ♞ we're gonna get caught

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Requested by: kayalee1224

When you awoke from darkness, you heard your name. You were strapped down on a table.

"Y/N Y/L/N. Weakness. Elimination." You knew the sound of the voice.

"I'm already a werewolf, what do you want with me?" You questioned.

"You are a weakness. We need him strong."



Theo? You thought. Why would Theo have anything to do with the Dread Doctors?

The Dread Doctor left the room, and you heard another persons voice. Someone too familiar.

"You said you wouldn't hurt her." Theo.

"You have become weak because of her. She must be destroyed."

"No." You then heard a crash. The Dread Doctor had thrown Theo across the room, causing him to knock into a table. You flinched, feeling his pain.

You and Theo were mates, and not by choice. When Theo came back into Beacon Hills, you two had discovered why you felt a connection, and that was the only answer.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open. You saw Theo's face.

"What are you doing?" You whispered.

"Not letting you die." He quickly answered. He tore the straps off of you and lift you off the table.

"I can walk." You told Theo. He put you down.

You and Theo started running towards the door. You soon got into the hallway and weaved in and out of the halls. You stopped when you heard a Dread Doctor approaching. Theo had heard it too. He pulled you in a near by room, and closed the door.

You started pacing around, not knowing what else to do.

"Stay still, we're gonna get caught." Theo told you. You knew he was right. You sat down against the door; Theo joining you.

"You're working with them." You said quietly.

"I am."


"They said they could help me get a pack, and you know how badly I want that." Theo explained.

"I do, but you shouldn't trust them."

"I'm not anymore."

"Why?" You questioned.

"Because they were going to kill you. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you."

"Probably because of our connection. If one of us dies, it's like something will be missing, and that feeling won't go away." You said.

"No. It's because I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you since the fourth grade, Y/N." You stared at Theo. He wasn't lying to you. You immediately cupped his cheeks and brought him into a kiss. He wrapped his arms around your waist, and your lips started moving in sync. You broke away.

"How about we continue this after we get out of here?" You suggested.

"Oh yeah, right."


I am sooooo sorry that I haven't really been posting as much as I said I would. I have been busier than I thought. 

For right now, requests are CLOSED. I will let you all know when you can start requesting again. 

Thank you!!

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