theo raeken ♞ i'm your christmas present

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Requested by: arrow-girl03

It was finally the holiday season, but that didn't cheer you up at all. You hadn't seen, or heard from, you're presuming ex, boyfriend Theo in months. He hasn't called, texted, or emailed. The pack tried to break you out of your funk for the holiday season.

"Y/N, just come ice skating with us, it'll be fun."

"I'll pass."

Stiles and Scott looked at each other. Scott then grabbed you and lifted you over his shoulder.

"Scott McCall, put me down!"

"I think it's time we get you your Christmas present." He said.

Scott put you in the back of Stiles jeep, next to Liam. Stiles and Scott climbed in the front. When Stiles started driving, you started questioning.

"Where in the hell are we going?" Nothing. "Why do we have to go somewhere to get my present?" Nothing. "Stiles!"


"You can clearly hear me." You pointed out.

"Yep." He replied, popping the 'p'.

Soon enough, Stiles stopped the car and everyone got out. You were at a diner you go to a lot.

"Wait here and close your eyes." You were told. You put your hands over your eyes and waited.

"Okay... open them." You opened your eyes and saw who you thought you would never see again. Theo.

"Surprise! I'm your Christmas present!" He said cheerfully.

"What the hell?" You said. They were all taken back. They thought you would be happy about this.

"You're not happy to see me?"

"Theo, I haven't seen or even heard from you in months! You didn't bother to pick up a phone and shoot me a quick text? I would have settled for an email too!"

Theo stood there, not knowing what to say.

"Can we talk inside?" He finally asked. You walked right pasted him and into the diner. You sat down at a booth, and Theo followed. "I left because it was better for everyone. I knew that I should've said goodbye to you, but I couldn't. Stiles called me last night saying that you were miserable, and I knew it was because of me. Y/N, I'm sorry. I don't think I can say it enough to make it okay."

You sat there, not saying anything. You believed Theo, and you wanted to forgive him.

"This time you'll stay? And if you leave you'll say goodbye?" You questioned.

"Y/N, I promise I will never leave you ever again."

"I missed you so much." You said, grabbing his hand from across the booth.

"Want to go home?"

"Yes, so you can see the amazing decorations."

"Oh, no." 


Okay so for right now, requests are CLOSED!

I have 16 requested imagines, and that is going to take a really long time to get them all written and posted. So please, be patient. I have a really busy schedule and not much time to write. Especially this week. It's school, volleyball, event, birthday (not mine), training, volleyball, traveling, traveling, and finally coming home. So as you can see, a very busy schedule. 

Thank you for 11k, and 650 votes!! 

(sorry for any grammatical mistakes, i was typing pretty fast)

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