stiles stilinski ♞ it's sarcasm

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Requested by: BeccaaJohnson

You, Scott, and Stiles were an unbreakable group of friends. Nothing ever came between you three, no matter what. You always made sure if someone had a problem, it got solved. Recently, you and Stiles had a problem, and only Scott could see it.

"They like each other, Lydia, I can sense it whenever I'm with them!" Scott said.

"And why is that a problem?"

"Because it's going to mess up our friendship."

"You don't see it, do you?" Lydia questioned.

"See what?"

"You leave them all of the time for Allison. You leave them alone and now I guess they see what it's like without you."

"What you're saying is, I need to spend more time with them?"

"You don't want them together, do you?"

"I just don't know if it'll last. Maybe they'll realize they're better as friends, but when they try to be friends again, it'll be awkward." Scott explained.

"Just talk to them, Scott."


"Why are we here?" You asked Stiles. Scott had told you both to meet him at Deaton's.

"I have no clue."

"Maybe he found the Alpha."

"I-" Stiles was cut off by Scott's voice.

"No, another reason." He said.

"And what is that?" You questioned.

"You two like each other." He blurted out.

"What?" You and Stiles asked at the same time.

"I can sense it."

"I don't like Stiles, he's basically my brother."

"Exactly." Stiles agreed.

"I know it's true, whether you two will admit or not."

"Scott, I have to go, I'll see you boys later." You said and rushed out of the clinic.


You got to school for your Saturday detention with Mr. Harris right on time. You only had detention because Stiles decided to throw a paper at Harris and blame you for it.

"Ms. Y/L/N, almost late."

"But I wasn't." You replied sitting down.

"Thanks a lot for this by the way, because this is exactly how I wanted to spend my Saturday." He said with a fake smile.

"I-" You were going to apologize when he cut you off.

"It's sarcasm. Ever heard of it?" He questioned. You thought of one person.

"Yes, I have."


As soon as detention ended, you jumped in your car and drove straight to the only person you wanted to see. You got to his house and knocked on the door. When he opened it, you immediately put your lips on his. He kissed back without hesitating.

"You lied to Scott." Stiles said as you broke apart.

"So did you."

"So you are madly in love with me." He said with a smirk.

"Don't get a big head now Stilinski."

"No promises, you're amazing."

"So are you."

You and Stiles went inside and laid down on the couch. You watched Star Wars for the millionth time, but this time felt different. You weren't watching it with just your best friend, you were watching it with someone so much more than that. 


Sorry for any grammatical mistakes, I typed this pretty quickly. 

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