stiles stilinski ♞ kidnapping is an offense

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Stiles wanted you to come and help him watch Theo. You told him you couldn't because you had homework.

Half way through your homework, there was a knock on your front door. You ran downstairs and opened it. No one was there. When you went to close the door, someone grabbed you and threw you over their shoulder. Stiles.

"Stiles Stilinski! What the hell are you doing!"

"You wouldn't come with me to watch Theo so I'm now I'm making you come."

He put you in the front seat of his jeep and locked the door. He got into the drivers side and started the car.

"You realize that kidnapping is an offense right? I literally have your dad on speed-dial."

"I'm not kidnapping you."

"You threw me over your shoulder, locked me in your car, and you are taking me somewhere against my will. I would call that kidnapping."

"I need your help watching Theo, okay?"

"Why? You scared he's going to find you like last time?"

"No." You raised your eyebrows. "Okay, maybe."

"You are such a baby."


When you got the park, Theo was sitting on a bench reading. He was just sitting there, minding his own business, reading.

"Stiles, he isn't doing anything evil, can we go?"

"No. We have to wait."

"Ughh I hate you."

"No you don't."

"That is a false statement. Just like your version of kidnapping. Just take me home!"

"Fine! But if we find out that he committed mass murder tonight, I am blaming you."

"Oh shut up."


Stiles took you home, and walked you to your door.

"Thanks for coming with me even though I kidnapped you."

"Oh now you admit it!"

"I just wanted to spend time with you. I don't see you as much because I'm always helping Scott. I also feel bad that he doesn't want you in the pack."

"Stiles, it's fine. As long as you stay my friend, I'll be fine."

"If you ever need me you call me okay?"

"Of course. You can always call me too."

"Goodnight, Y/N." He kissed your cheek, then was walking off. You grabbed his arm, pulling him back to you. You placed a kiss on his lips, then pulled away.

"Goodnight Stiles." You then opened your front door, and went inside.

You left Stiles completely speechless, smiling on your porch.

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