theo raeken ♞ witchy powers

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Requested by: karmasmythe

The pack had some new changes lately. Beside letting a new and improved Theo into it, they recently had a witch too. You came to Beacon Hills because you heard that's where most supernatural lived. The minute you met Scott and the others, it was like you were family. Except there was one person you hated. Theo.

You and Theo fought constantly and it was usually about something stupid. This was one of those moments.

"Can you stop tapping your finger on the table?" You complained.

"How about you stop talking for once?" Theo shot back.

"Dammit! Can you two stop?" Malia complained. "If we have to kick one or both of you out, I'm okay with that completely."

"Malia, we aren't kicking them out of the pack." Scott said.

"Well if someone should be kicked out it would be Y/N." Theo stated.

"And why is that?"

"You really think you help this pack? You can't even use your witchy powers that well."

"That's funny. And what do you do? Sit around and act like everything is great when you really know everyone hates you?" You fired back.

"Well I think that you're just here because you don't have anyone else. That's why you left your old town, right? Because you have no one." You felt tears prick your eyes as you listened to what Theo said. He was right, but he had no right to go there. He realized what he said, and instantly regretted it. "Y/N I-"

"No, you're right. Thanks for making me realize it Theo." You walked out of the house and drove off. You told yourself not to cry, but you did anyways.

You didn't know where you were driving to, but you ended up at the edge of the woods. You got out of your car and started walking.

"Stupid Theo." You mumbled then flung your hands up. All of the leaves on the trees suddenly fell off and landed on you. "Are you kidding me!" You managed to get out of all the leaves and make it to a small clearing with a little pond.

You sat by the edge of the pond and played with the water. You would raise it up and down with your hand, watching the fish still swimming around.

"Y/N?" You jumped, dropping the water back into the pond. You turned around only to see Theo.

"What do you want?"

"To apologize." Theo said.

"I doubt you even know how to do that."

"I actually do. I'm sorry."

"You're actually sorry?" You questioned, not believing him.

"Yes. Please say you can consider forgiving me?"

"Screw you Theo. Why would I forgive you?"

"Screw me, are you serious? I said one bad thing! I apologized."

"Yes screw you." You looked at him. "Screw you and your stupid perfect muscles and your stupid perfect face."

"You think I have a perfect face?"

"No." You lied.

"But you just said I did."

"Well, I lied." Theo stepped closer to you.

"Really? Because when you said all of that-" He stopped talking and got closer to you. "your heart never skipped a beat."

"Because I'm a good liar." You whispered.

"Now, that was a lie." He said in the same tone. He was so close he could kiss you. You wanted him too, but he didn't have the chance to. You grabbed some water from the pond and splashed it on him. You started laughing.


"Really Y/N?"

"Sorry?" You were still laughing.

"Gosh I hate you." He said then grabbed your waist. He put his lips on yours and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You ran your fingers through his hair. When you broke apart, Theo had a smile on his face.

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile." You said and kissed his nose.

"Never really had a reason to until now. Thanks for getting pond water on me, by the way."


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