derek hale ♞ i have always loved you

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You were in Scott's pack as a new beta. You were training one night when Liam turned, and he attacked you. He brought up your horrific past and how you aren't worth anything. It made you so mad. When you turned, you couldn't turn back; the anger was consuming you.

"Y/N! Stop! Find your anchor!" Scott said to you.

"I can't!" You screamed.

"Then be your own anchor!"

"I can't! I can't!"

You ran out of the house, hearing shouting behind you. You bolted for the woods.

As you were running, you ran into someone. Not just someone. Derek.

You've known Derek since Scott got bit. You always had a massive crush on him.

"Y/N! Find an anchor!"

"I can't! I can't! There's no one that cares about me for me to care about!"

Just then, you felt a pair of lips on yours. You slowly turned back to your human form. You looked into Derek's green eyes and smiled.

"How did you know that would work?"

"Well, you just needed to focus on something else. So I kissed you." Derek said.

"Can you bring me to my house?"


You two walked to his car and you got in. Your house was about ten minutes away.

When you got there, Derek walked you to the door.

"Derek? Can you stay with me tonight? Please." You said quietly.

"Are your parents home?"

"Hell knows where they are."

You both walked into the house and you went upstairs to your room. You took a shower and changed into your pajamas.

When you walked into your room, Derek was sitting on the end of your bed. You went over and laid down, under the covers. You patted next to you, motioning for Derek to lay down.

"Are you sure?" He asked.


He came over and laid down next to you after kicking off his shoes. You positioned yourself to where you were laying on his chest, his arms around your waist.



You were silent, trying to decide wether or not to tell him.

"Y/N?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I just wanted to tell you something. I don't know if I should or not though."

"You can tell me anything." Derek said, looking into your eyes as you sat up.

"I think I might be falling in love with you." You mumbled, knowing he could hear you.


"Yeah, I know it's stupid."

"It's not stupid," Derek said laughing a little.


"It's not stupid because I've been in love with you since the day I met you."

Derek then leaned down and placed his lips on yours. You moved to where you were on his lap, not breaking the kiss. He then pulled away all too soon.

"You should go to sleep. You've had a long day." You slowing nodded your head in response.

You laid down and Derek wrapped his arms around you. You felt safe and comfortable.


You woke up and Derek wasn't laying next to you. You frowned and sighed.

When you were getting ready in the bathroom, you heard your bedroom door open. You walked out of the bathroom and saw Derek holding a bag of food.

"You didn't have to get anything."

"It's donuts. Your favorite." He responded.

"Nevermind." You said smiling. It was silent until you decided to speak up. "Derek? Those things you said yesterday, did you mean them?"

"I meant everything I said yesterday." He replied, grinning.

"I did too, but what about when I leave for college? You'll probably forget about me."

"I could never forget you, Y/N. Not a day will go by that I won't think of you."

After he said that you went over to him and put your lips on his.

"I'll never forget you either."

"I'll probably end up following you wherever you go though. I have to make sure you're safe." Derek said, partially joking.

"Would you really come with me?"

"Of course. I hear Virginia is very nice."

"But you'll have to deal with Stiles."

"I don't care. As long as I'm with you."



This imagine was longer than the others. Do you all like them this length? Or should they stay some what short? Thanks for reading:)

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