isaac lahey ♘ gif imagine [12]

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Isaac Lahey//part two "so uhh... i think I'm pregnant."//

"Oh, you guys, come on

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"Oh, you guys, come on. This house does not have a supernatural ability to heal! So, stop it!" Melissa yelled from downstairs. Isaac just sat there against the wall, waiting for Scott's next move. He walked over to him and held his hand out to help him up.

"We aren't telling her about this, not yet." Scott said, referring to his mom.

"Yeah, okay."

Scott and Isaac went into his room and closed the door.

"How long have you known?"

"Two days. Y/N just told me yesterday morning."

"And she's okay with this?" Scott questioned.

"I don't think okay describes it."

"Then what does Isaac?"

"Scared. Scared describes it. How do you think she feels, being pregnant at eighteen? Once people at school find out, she's going to be a mess. This isn't what she wanted, you have to know that."

Scott didn't say anything. He just looked at Isaac. You then opened the door to the bedroom, your head down.

"Y/N." You looked up at your brother. "I'm not mad."

"Anymore." Isaac cut in. You both looked at him.

"I'm sorry."

"When do you want to tell mom?"



While you and Scott were talking to your mom about everything, Isaac was at Derek's, reading about pregnancy.

"Are you reading?" Derek questioned as he walked into the room

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"Are you reading?" Derek questioned as he walked into the room.


"About what?"

"Pregnancy." Isaac answered.

"Why would you—" Derek stopped and raised his eyebrows. "You got Y/N pregnant?!"




aww haha, i liked this. 

sorry i haven't been updating, i haven't been feeling that great, so there was like zero inspiration. also, if you aren't already following me, give me a follow!! i really want to get to 100 followers :)

make sure you vote :))

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