scott mccall ♞ it's midnight, what do you want ?

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Requested by: Anonymous 

Scott McCall, the guy you have been in love with since forever, has recently become a werewolf; only, you didn't know that.

Your twin brother, Stiles, was searching up werewolves the other day, but it went right over your head. He played online games that had to do with the supernatural, so you didn't think something was out of the ordinary.

When you saw Scott play during lacrosse tryouts, you were amazed. You two had trained all summer, and you had no clue how he got that good. Jackson was beyond pissed about it, but you were happy for Scott. You were first line, so you hoped he would be too.

Stiles always complained that you, his sister, were better than him. You just thought it was funny.


You were currently sleeping when you heard a howl coming from outside your house. You look at the clock and it says 12:00. You try going back to sleep, but you hear a crash downstairs. You grab your lacrosse stick and head down there. 

As you slowly walk down the stairs, you hear a vase break. Then you reach the 'intruder.'

"Stiles! What the hell are you doing?" You shouted. 


"Why are you just getting home?"

"Umm, no reason. Just got upstairs and lock your door, okay?"

"What, why?"

"Just do it."

"Okay just because you're two minutes older than me, doesn't mean you get to boss me around."

"Please, Y/N."


You walk back upstairs and into your room. You lock your door like Stiles told you to. You then hear heavy breathing. You turn around and see Scott standing in the middle of your bedroom.

"Scott... it's midnight, what do you want." The was no answer. He just looked at you. His eyes then turned an electric yellow. You took a step back. "Scott?" He lunged at you suddenly. "Stiles!" You yelled for your brother.

Scott had you pinned to the ground. He wasn't himself, you figured that much out.

"Scott! Stop! Please!" Scott looked you dead in the eye and listened to your heart beating out of your chest. He quickly changed back and got off of you.

"Y/N, I am so sorry."

"What are you?"

"A werewolf."

"They're real?" You asked.

"Yes." Scott confirmed.

"Is that why Stiles is always out helping you?"

"Yeah. He's been helping me with control."

"He's not doing a great job of that."

"I really am sorry."

"What made you stop?" You questioned.

"Seeing you in fear, because of me."

"You didn't want to hurt me."

"If I ever did... I wouldn't be able to live with myself." You then did something you never thought you had the guts to do. You kissed Scott. He was clearly stunned at first, but then began kissing back.

You put your arms around his neck, and he wrapped his around your waist. You started moving over to the bed, but your bedroom door burst open. You and Scott break apart only to see Stiles standing there with a baseball bat.

"Okay... WHAT THE FREAKING HELL?" He shouted. You and Scott stayed silent. "I hear my sister screaming for help, now you are too busy making out with my best friend? What the hell Y/N?"

"Umm, sorry?"

"Yeah, whatever. Scott, get out."


"You heard me, mr hairy beast that will not touch my sister in any way, shape, or form." Stiles said.

"I'll call you tomorrow, okay?" Scott said to you, your hands in his.

"Okay." You replied with a smile.

"I'm throwing up!"

"Stiles, grow up!" You said, throwing a pillow at him.

"Not happening!" Stiles said then dragging Scott out of your room.

You laid back down and tried to sleep, but thoughts of Scott filled your mind.

You didn't even care that he was a werewolf, all you cared about was knowing that Scott feels the same way. And he does. 

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