isaac lahey || gif imagine

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requested by: blackwingedrebel 


It had been seven months since you and Isaac broke up, and you still miss him everyday. You broke up because he didn't want you to be in danger, which you understood, but you loved him enough to live through that. 

One day after school you went to the boys locker room, looking for Stiles because you had a project due. 

"Y/N?" You recognized the voice immediately. 

"Hey, I'm sorry. I'm looking for Stiles." You said.

"He just left." 


You had no idea what to say, even though there was a million things you were thinking.

"How have you been?" He asked.

"I've been better." You put your head down. 

"Same here." 

"My mom asked about you again

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"My mom asked about you again. She always does." You told him. Isaac didn't say anything. "I'm going to go." You said and quickly walked away.

"Y/N!" You turned around. "I'm sorry." You walked out the door and went to your car. 

Too busy thinking about Isaac, you didn't notice the guy following behind you. 

"Hey beautiful." He said, trapping you by your car.

"Back off." You told him.

"Why? I know you're not dating anyone." He grabbed your arms and pushed you against the car.

"Let me go asshole!" You shouted.

The doors to the school burst open and before you knew it, Isaac had the guy by the collar, and punched him across the face.

"If you ever touch her again, I swear, you will wish all I did was hit you." He threatened. The guy ran off, terrified. You smiled at Isaac when he turned to face you. "Are you ok?" 

"Yeah." You wrapped your arms around him, not wanting to let go. He held you closer to him, not wanting to let go either. "I miss you Isaac. More and more everyday." You told him.

"I miss you too Y/N."

"I know you want to keep me safe, but can you do that as my boyfriend. Please?" 

"And if something happens to you?" Isaac questioned.

"Then something happens. I'll go through whatever I have to, as long as I'm by your side." 


love this one ! hope y'all do too! 

make sure you vote!!!

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