isaac lahey | like you didn't break my heart

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requested by: morganamacabre 


You'll never forget the day he left. You loved him more than anything, and he left. 

You and Isaac had been dating for two years. You were an odd couple,  and even more odd when he became a werewolf, and you started practicing your witch powers. But you always thought you'd spend the rest of your lives together.

It had been almost a year since Isaac left for France, and you still weren't completely over him. You spent your days at school, and nights practicing spells and helping the pack. This being one of those nights. 

Stiles had recently broken his leg, and no one wanted to take care of him, so of course you got stuck with the chore. 

"Y/N! I WANT JUICE!" Stiles yelled from his room. You rolled your eyes and grabbed a juice from the fridge and brought it to him. "Thank you."

"Shut up." 

"What has your panties in a twist?" Stiles asked.

"Nothing." You sighed and laid down at the end of the bed. You heard the door open downstairs, and footsteps walking up the stairs.

"Stiles?" You shot up when you heard the voice. No. It wasn't him. The bedroom door opened and Isaac was standing in the doorway.

"Isaac?" You wanted to cry. You couldn't believe he was standing right in front of you. 

"Hey Y/N." 

"Why are YOU here?" Stiles said with as much hate as he could. 

"Scott called and told me what happened and I wanted to make sure everyone was ok." You started laughing at what Isaac said.

"Yeah, like you care." You spatted.

"I do."

"Great, if you care so much, YOU stay and take care of him. I'm going home."

"Don't leave me!" Stiles shouted as you walked out the door.

"Y/N!" Isaac called after you.

"What? Forget your scarf?" You said with sarcasm. 

"Not necessary." He told you.

"Oh really? Because I was doing fine. Really, and then you waltz back in my life like you didn't break my heart. So I think sarcasm and sass are completely necessary." 

"I came back to make it right, Y/N." 

"I thought you came for Stiles?" You said with a smirk.

"Funny, real funny. Just please stay and let's talk about this." 

"No." You walked out of the house without another word and drove away.


The pack decided to have a 'reunion' in your house that night while you were working on a spell, and you were extremely annoyed. 

"What's wrong?" Lydia asked. 

"Nothing." You said. "I'm going to my room."

You ran upstairs and locked your bedroom door. You were so frustrated with everything, and especially Isaac. He's in your house again like it's nothing. You began crying, and then you heard a knock on the door.

"Y/N? Please open the door." Isaac.

You got up and opened the door, then immediately sitting back on your bed. 

"I'm sorry for leaving you."

"I don't want your apology."

"Why not?" Isaac questioned.

"Because you left me, when I had no one, and I needed you. You just left. Do you have any idea how much you hurt me?" Isaac looked down. He could feel your pain.. the pain he caused you.

"Can I get a chance to fix it? Please?" He sat down next to you and grabbed your hand. You pulled yours away quickly.

"I don't know."

"I'll let you think about it. I already talked to Scott, he said I can live with him again."

"You're not going back to France?" You asked.

"I'm not leaving you again Y/N. Never again." Isaac kissed the side of your head and walked out of the room.

You sat there thinking of what you should do, and you had no idea. You just hoped and prayed that the answer would come to you. Because you loved Isaac, more than anything, but you can't get over how he hurt you.


kinda long, but i hope you liked it !!

make sure you vote !!

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