jordan parrish ♞ voices

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Requested by: itsritinha06

Your boyfriend, Jordan Parrish, had to work at the station on Halloween. He talked you into coming with him. Now here you were, sitting on his desk, super bored.

"Jordan, when are you getting off?"

"Two." He answered.

"Ugh! I want to go hand out candy to the kids in our neighborhood, you know I love them."

"I know, just stay for a little while longer please? Stilinski left me in charge tonight."


"Sorry to interrupt." Says one of the deputies coming up to you and Parrish. "We have a possible break-in on Fourth and Aveyard."

"We can go check it out, thanks Jack." Parrish responded. "Want to go?" He asked you.


You both were in the squad car and heading to the supposed break-in site. When you got there, it didn't look like anything was wrong.

"Let's check it out just in case." Parrish told you.

You both walked to the door and Parrish knocked. No one was home. He opened the door and you walked in.

"We shouldn't be here." You told him. You were creeped out by the place.

"It's fine, Y/N."

You continued to walk around and you saw something move. You quickly turned around and looked.

"What now Y/N?"

"That wasn't there before." You said, pointing to the painting on the wall.

"Yes, it was."

"No it wasn't Jordan."

"Let's just-"

"If you say let's split up, I swear to god." You threatened.

"I was going to say keep looking."

"Oh, right."

You were on Parrish's hip the whole time, not wanting to be alone. Again you thought you saw something, but you shook it off.

"I thought I saw... never mind..."

You had thought you surveyed the whole house, but you missed something. The basement.

"I dare you to go down there." Parrish said, smirking.

"Oh shut up." You grabbed his arm and pulled him into the basement with you. You started hearing things.

"Did you hear that?" You questioned.

"Hear what?"


"I don't hear anything, Y/N."

"I guess I'm crazy then."

"You are." Parrish said laughing.

"Hey, this isn't funny!" You scolded.

"Yeah it is."

You looked at the walls of the basement and something was wrong. They were moving.

"I swear I saw that move." You said, pointing at the wall.

"You saw the wall move?"


"I thought I was the only one." Parrish said.

"You see it too?" You questioned.

"No." Parrish replied, laughing. You smacked his arm.

"I'm leaving. This house is too creepy."

"Fine, let's go." Parrish wrapped his arm around you and you both walked out of the house. You saw the house next door had a broken window the front door was open.

"Umm, Jordan?"


"I think we got the wrong house."

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