nolan holloway ♞ all you had to do was ask

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Requested by: pansfairytale

You and Nolan had been friends for years, and he had a massive crush on you. Gabe and the others always encouraged him to go for it, but he was too shy.

"Man, you aren't going to get anywhere if you don't at least kiss her." Gabe said to Nolan.

"I just get all nervous when I'm with her."

"Well, don't. Just lean in and see what happens."

Nolan decided to try and do what Gabe said. He drove over to your house and knocked on your front door.

"Nolan? Hey." You greeted.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?"

"Sure, get in here." You stepped aside and let Nolan in.

You two sat on the couch and started a movie. Nolan looked over at you, and you noticed. You stared back and smiled. He started leaning in.

"What are you doing?" You questioned, small smile on your face.

"Umm, is there something in my eye?" He quickly covered up. You looked closely at his eye.

"Nope, nothing."

You both went back to watching the movie. 

"Okay, that's not what I was doing." Nolan admitted, breaking the silence. 

"Then what were you trying to do?"

"Umm... well..."


"I was going to kiss you, because I've always wanted to, but I didn't know if you would want me to, or-" He got cut off when you put your lips on his. You broke away and smiled.

"All you had to do was ask." You said.

"I guess I should've."

You kissed him again, and Nolan immediately kissed back. Your lips moved in sync, and Nolan swore it felt like fireworks were going off. I'm such a girl. He thought. 


Ugh I am so sorry it's shorter than usual! I just didn't really know what to do for this one. I hope you still liked it:) 

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