liam dunbar ♞ falling hard (ft. theo raeken) part one

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Requested by: itsritinha06


"Isaac, please come back to Beacon Hills with me."

"Y/N, you know I can't."

"I know. I just missed you so much the last time, I need my brother with me."

"The pack needs you more than you need me." Isaac reasoned.

"I know, but I'm not even supernatural."

"Will you stop telling yourself that."

"I'm a messenger of death, Isaac. It's terrifying."

"I know it. Lydia is going to help you, okay?"


"I'll see you soon, alright?"




"I love you, you crazy lady."

"That's offensive, but I love you too."


You had just arrived at Beacon Hills airport waiting for Scott to pick you up. Before you went to Paris to live with Isaac, you stayed with him. You helped him when he bit Liam too.

Liam was completely unstable, but you were the one that helped him through everything. You became his anchor, only you didn't know that. When you left, he was devastated. He needed you.

At the luggage claim, you saw a pair of familiar brown eyes from afar.

"Scott!" You shouted, running to him.


"How's Liam?"

"Oh hey Scott, how are you? What's been going on? Nice to see you too."

"Sorry, how are you? What's been going on?"

"Smart ass. Let's go home." He said, grabbing your bag.


Liam has been ecstatic ever since he heard you were coming back. He was currently in Scott's house, waiting for you.

"Waiting for your little girlfriend?" Liam heard a voice say. He turns around to see Theo.

"Back off jackass."

"I hear she's pretty hot."

"If I ever see you anywhere near her, you'll have to deal with me."

"Wow there wolfie, calm down."

"I will when I know you won't touch her."

"No promises Dunbar."

"Liam!" Liam and Theo turn around to see you standing in the door way.


You ran into Liam's arms, and you didn't want to let go.

"I missed you so much." Liam whispered in your ear.

"I missed you too."

"Wow, someone actually loves Liam." Theo said from behind you two. You broke away from Liam and looked at Theo.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" You questioned. 

"Theo. Theo Raeken."

"Also known as jackass."

"I'm pretty sure that's Jackson." You said.

"Who?" Liam questioned.

"No one."

"Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you Y/N."

"Yeah, you won't be doing that." Liam stated.

"Okay! Let's go meet Lydia!" Scott intervened.

"Good idea."


While meeting up with Lydia, you met Malia, Kira, and Mason. You were currently in the woods by yourself just walking. As you were walking, you heard a snap of a branch behind you. Something told you it was Theo.

"You shouldn't walk alone in the woods." Theo.

"You shouldn't stalk people." You retorted.

"I was watching to make sure you were okay."

"I don't need your protection." You said turning around to face him. He was wearing a tight shirt, and you had just really realized how hot he was.

"I saw that." Theo said.

"Saw what?"

"You just checked me out."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

"You know what Theo I-" Theo suddenly grabbed you and pulled you to the ground. An arrow went right above you. Your vision was getting blurry.

"Y/N, I need you to get up and run." Was the last thing you heard before everything went black. 


This is probably going to be four or five parts:) we shall see! 

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