liam dunbar ♞ cheat part two (ft. theo raeken)

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It had been two months since you found out Liam was cheating on you. He and Hayden made it official that they were dating; which didn't make you as mad as you thought it would.

Stiles said that you should get back out there, but you didn't want to. That was until you met Theo Raeken. You were immediately intrigued by him. Stiles told you he was evil, but you didn't care.

You were currently in the library studying when you saw Liam and Hayden walk in, hand in hand. You tried to put your attention else where, but it wasn't working. Eventually, something else did catch your attention. Theo.

"Hey baby girl." He said, kissing you, and putting his arm around your shoulders. You were very confused by what was happening, Theo looked at Liam then at you and gave you a look that said 'go with it.'

"Hey love." You replied, kissing him again. Before looking back on your study papers, you glanced at Liam. He looked pissed. Him and Hayden soon walked out of the library and you shrugged Theo's arm off of you. "Why were you trying to help me out there?" You questioned.

"You were clearly jealous and Liam probably could tell. Also, knowing you, you wouldn't want to give him that satisfaction."

"Wow, you're right. Thanks."

"Anytime. So, what are you studying for?" He asked.

"Bio test tomorrow."

"I'm in that class too. I can't study right now, I have to do something, but want to get together later and study?"

"Yeah, sure. Come to my house at seven?"

"Perfect I'll see you there babe." Theo said, then got up and walked out of the library.

Your heart stuttered when he called you babe. 'Y/N stop! You said you wouldn't care about someone like that again.' you thought to yourself.

You gathered your things and left the school. When you got home you spread all of your work out and waited for Theo.


It was 7:30 and no sign of Theo. You decided to start studying by yourself. Part of you was glad he didn't come, yet the other part just wanted to kiss him again.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on your window. You opened it to only to see Liam.

"What the hell do you want Liam?"

"I don't want you near Theo." He said entering your room.

"You don't get to tell me who to be with."

"He's dangerous Y/N. We can't trust him."

"I don't have anything to do with you and your little pack, okay. You don't get to come around and act like you care."

"I still care, Y/N."

"That's a bunch of bull, Liam. Get out of my house now."

"Y/N, I-" Liam was cut off.

"She told you to leave." You turned around to see Theo walking into your room. You smiled.

"Stay away from her." Liam threatened, walking closer to Theo.

"You don't get to protect her anymore. You broke her heart by cheating on her, then started dating that girl. Did you ever listen to Y/N's heartbeat when she saw you two together. It broke again and again everyday, but you didn't care. I won't do that to her. So one last time, Liam. Get the hell out of her house."

Liam was speechless when he heard Theo say those things. He listened to his heartbeat. He wasn't lying at all. Liam slowly walked over to the window and left. The room was quiet until Theo spoke up.

"Are you okay?"

"Who ever said my heart was yours to break?" You questioned.

"And who said that once I steal your heart I was going to break it?" Theo countered.

"Who said you were going to steal my heart?"

"I think I already did." Theo said proudly.

"I told myself that after Liam I wouldn't care about someone like that again. The minute you stepped into my life, that changed. You break my heart Theo, and I'll kill you."

"I promise you I will never break your heart. I'll always protect you, and be there for you."

And those promises, Theo kept. 

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