nolan holloway ♞ something really stupid

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Requested by: froyopicklespray98 

You and Nolan had been at a party all night and were now gathered around with your friends playing truth or dare. It was Stiles' turn, and he looked at you.


"No. Stiles, no."

"Truth or dare?" You knew both would be bad.

"Ugh fine, dare."

"I dare you to go make out in a graveyard with someone." Stiles said.



"No way Stiles." You protested. You weren't going to make out with some guy in a creepy graveyard. You turned and looked at Nolan, who was your best friend. He was already looking at you.

"Yes! Nolan you go!"

"Stiles!" You scolded. Nolan leaned over and whispered something in your ear.

"We can just go and say we made out in the graveyard but we really didn't."

"Genius." You whispered back. You both got up and you grabbed his hand.

"Wait! You have to send us a picture of you two at the graveyard. Not kissing, but there. If we find out you lied, and didn't make out, revenge will be sweet." Stiles said.


You and Nolan walked out the door and got into your car. You drove to the graveyard.

"I can't believe we have to do this." I mumbled.

"We just have to go and take a picture, that's all." Nolan told you. "Sadly." He mumbled. You didn't hear him though.

"You're right."

You drove up to the abandoned graveyard and got out of the car. Nolan followed. You pulled out your phone and snapped a picture of Nolan. Then you motioned for him to come over to you so you could get a selfie. You both smiled and gave a thumbs up at the camera. You slid your phone back into your pocket and looked at Nolan.

"Ready to go?" You questioned.

"Can I do something really stupid?" He asked.

"Go for it." He then put his lips on yours. You weren't expecting it at all, but you kissed back. You backed up against a tree. Nolan had his hands on your waist.

You eventually broke apart and you smiled at Nolan.

"Making out in a graveyard? Really?" You asked, still smiling.

"We gave into the bet, didn't we."

"I blame you."

"Want to blame me some more?" Nolan asked.

"Oh yeah." You said and kissed him again. 

You got back to the party and everyone was gone but Scott, Stiles, Malia, Liam, and Lydia. They questioned you immediately.

"Okay the smell like each other, they clearly made out." Malia said.

"Wow, you actually did it." Stiles said.

"Oh shut up Stilinski."

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