isaac lahey (ft. stiles stilinski) | i will never forget

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requested by: lillymoonlight67


You still couldn't believe he left without a word, but more than anything, you couldn't believe he cheated. 

You and Isaac had been dating since freshman year, and you thought you were perfectly happy together. Isaac and Allison were together for months, and you never knew it. It was until Allison died and Isaac took off to France that you figured it out, Scott confirming your suspicions. 

It took you months to get over it, but you eventually did. You began dating Stiles six months after Isaac left, and it made you realize how much happier you could've been. 


It had been over a year since Isaac left Beacon Hills, and he felt it was time to come home. 

Being a siren, half banshee, half werewolf, you began to have visions of Isaac coming home. You didn't understand why, because your visions don't work like that. 

You were at Stiles' house when Isaac arrived at Scott's.

Scott sensed it was Isaac when he was walking up to the door. The door opened before Isaac could knock.

"What are you doing here?" Scott questioned. 

"I thought you'd be happier to see me."

"Well you thought wrong. You don't cheat on my best friend with my ex girlfriend and expect me to be happy to see you." Scott said with force.

"I'm sorry." Isaac said, his head down.

"Save it." There was silence. Scott continued, "Y/N's already in a relationship. So don't even try anything." Scott slammed the door and Isaac walked back to his car. 


Later that night, the pack decided to have game night at Scott's house. 

You all were gathered at the kitchen table, cussing and screaming at each other while playing uno. 

There was a knock on the door, and your body went still. 

"No." You whispered to yourself.

"What babe?" Stiles asked you. His question was answered when Isaac walked in the kitchen. Stiles gave Isaac the dirtiest look.

"Hi Y/N." Isaac said.

"Do NOT 'hi Y/N' her!" Stiles shouted.

"And why would I listen to you?" Isaac tested.

"Because I'm her boyfriend. The one making her happy, and WHOLE again." Stiles stood in front of Isaac. 

"You two? Together? You realize she's gorgeous and way too good for you, right?" 

"Oh, I know. Yet she's still with me, isn't she? So back off." Stiles went back and stood by your side, put his arm around your waist. You just stood there, angry, sad, upset. 

"We all hate you, but want to join the game?" Lydia said.


Isaac sat across from you, not taking his eyes off of you. You got prettier, and in better shape since he last saw you. He had to get you back, no matter what.

"So, are you still a spaz Stiles?" Isaac asked.

"Excuse me?" Stiles questioned.

"Nothing, I just remember how hyper you were. And how thirsty you were to have sex. Is that still a thing?" Isaac had a smirk on his face.

"At least I'm not a dirty cheater." Stiles countered. 

Isaac stood up angrily, about to go after Stiles.

"ENOUGH!" You screamed. "Can I talk to you in the other room Isaac?!" 

"Yeah." Isaac agreed sheepishly. He knew how you got when you were angry. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" You asked, full of fire.

"I'm sorry." 

"For what exactly? Being an asshole, or cheating on me?"

"Both. I know I screwed up, I'm sorry. I just miss making you happy. That was my job Y/N." Isaac told you.

"Was is the keyword. You cheated, then just left without a word. Do you have any freaking idea how that made me feel?!"

Isaac put his head down, not able to look at you.

"I forgave you a long time ago. I can forgive anything, but I will never forget. And I will NEVER forget what you did to me. Stiles makes me happy. So do everyone a favor and leave, ok?" You walked away and hugged Stiles as tight as you could. He immediately wrapped you in his arms. 

You heard the front door open then close. You felt a weight lifted off of you when you heard the car drive off. Stiles kissed your forehead, and you asked to continue the game. All of the laughing and jokes made the memory of what just happened fade away. 


ok i really liked this one lol !!

hope y'all enjoy !!

make sure you vote !!

a while ago i posted prompts, and since i won't be going back to school for a while, i need something to do! go request some imagines from the prompt list ! if you have a request separate from the prompts, message me!! 

love y'all !

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