peter hale ♘ gif imagine [3]

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Peter Hale//"You're safe now. I've got you."//Requested by: svenskrosa

Peter had been having nightmares every night for the last three weeks, and you were worried about him. He would wake up screaming, sometimes crying, sweat dripping from his face. This was one of those nights.

"Peter, love. Wake up!" You shook him until his eyes opened.

"Y/N, I'm sorry."

"It's okay

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"It's okay. You're safe now. I've got you." You told him, putting your hand on his cheek.

"Why do you even put up with this?"

"Because I love you." Peter had a small smile on his face. "And if you don't want to go back to sleep, I can go make some coffee and tea and we can sit on the couch and watch tv?" You suggested.

"That sounds amazing."

After getting everything together you sat down on the couch next to Peter and laid your head on his lap as you watched a movie. In twenty minutes, you were asleep. Peter smiled again.

"I love you more." 


sorry i haven't been updating guys!! I've been super busy. 

i apologize if you're waiting on your request to be done! please just stay patient. thank you :)) i love you all so much!!

make sure you vote :))

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