theo raeken | no matter what goes down pt 2

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*not edited* 

The last few months have been a blur. Ever since you told Theo you didn't want him in your life, he got dragged down to hell by his dead sister, you and Liam have gotten closer, and Scott had to bite you after you slipped off a cliff on a hike. Not as heroic as it sounds, but you would've died if he didn't bite you. Life has only gotten crazier, and now with the Ghost Riders almost seeming unstoppable, you and Liam have come up with an even crazier plan on how to stop them.

"I can't believe you're not protesting this. I thought you hated him for what he did to you." Liam told you as you walked up to Kira's mom, waiting for you both where Theo was dragged down.

"It feels wrong that he's down there even after everything he did. No one deserves that."

"Are you still in love with him?" You didn't answer Liam. Mainly because you didn't know what was going on between the two of you. He kissed you a couple of weeks back, but it was never mentioned again. He makes every excuse to be with you but doesn't act upon anything else.

After Kira's mom questions whether you want to bring Theo back, Liam hit the sword into the ground, and it opened up. The blue light instantly shone, a body emerging. Theo looked up at the two of you, eyes bright yellow and fangs out. He went after Liam, pushing him against the wall.

"Theo, stop! We aren't trying to hurt you! We brought you back!" You said, stepping closer to him. Theo backed away from Liam and looked at you.

"Y/N?" His eyes were soft, and he looked like he wanted to cry.

"It's me. We need your help."


You and Liam discovered that Theo couldn't help the way you needed, but ended up helping in an even bigger way. He remembered Stiles. No one remembered Stiles since the Ghost Riders took him.

You ran from the other room when you heard punching. Malia was on top of Theo, punching him senselessly. You grabbed her arm and ripped her off of him.

"Enough Malia!" You yelled at her. Theo looked at you in awe.

"How did you do that?"

"Scott had to bite me a while back. I fell off a cliff on a hike." You put your head down when Theo came closer to you.

"I always told you to be less clumsy." Theo laughed a little. You held back a smile. Liam, Scott, and Malia were standing behind you, jealousy radiating off of Liam.

"He's going back in the ground," Scott said to the group.

"You can't do that." You said.

"He remembers Stiles," Liam added.

"We all remember Stiles." Malia said in an angry voice.

"He could help us." You countered.

"Or he could kill us." Scott told you.

"He's my responsibility, Scott. Noshiko gave me the sword. He would be my responsibility anyway. I shouldn't of let you put him there, no matter what he did, he didn't deserve that." You replied.

"It's so awkward when mom and dad fight." Theo commented.

"Shut up!" You and Scott yelled back.

"He goes back right now."

"Except Y/N is the one with the sword." Theo countered.

"Shut up!" Scott then pulled you and Liam into the other room.

"Remember who he is, what he did, Y/N. How could you be ok with this?"

"I think we need his help, but I agree with that part too. You didn't deserve that, Y/N." Liam said and grabbed your hand.

"I am fully aware, can you please stop reminding me? I can make my own decisions and I say we use him to help us."


You and Liam pulled Theo through the woods, Theo in chains just to be safe, despite your protests.

"It was a bad idea bringing him back. Scott's right, this is a mistake." Liam said as Theo was going against their plan to trap a Ghost Rider.

"We took a risk, Liam, but it was the right thing to do." You told him. Liam stepped closer to you. "I believe in you. We can do this." You said quieter.

Theo's heartbeat went rapid when he saw how close you were, how Liam looked as if he was going to kiss you. When in the hell did this happen?!

"Sorry to interrupt but— oh wait no I'm not." You stepped away from Liam, realizing how close your faces were, and looked at Theo. He gave you a look and tilted his head.

"We should go." You walked quickly ahead. How could Theo be jealous after everything he did to you? Did he seriously expect you to get back together after all of this? But, why did you want to push Liam away in that moment and run to Theo. Why, after all he did, could you still possibly love Theo.

"When did you and Liam become a thing?" Theo questioned as he was sitting in the jail cell, only you in the room.

"Who said we were a thing."

"The look you gave him in the woods did."

"You don't get to have an opinion on who I have a thing with, Theo."

"Did everything I said mean nothing to you?" Theo asked, referring back to when he said he would love you no matter what happened, no matter the awful things he would do.

"It meant something, but how could you expect me to just go running into your arms after all of that?"

"I didn't say that. I just didn't expect you to go running into Liam's." You sped up to the bars, growling at Theo. "Guess I'm right."

"Are you kidding me? Do you seriously believe that I'd rather it be Liam? I always wanted it to be you! I will never forgive you for what you did, but I can never stop loving you, you asshole!" Your chest was breathing heavily, and you put your head down, shaking it.

"You still love me?" Theo asked, reaching for your hand.

"Don't make it a thing." You looked up and smiled.

"Y/N Y/L/N still loves me. Damn right I'll make it a thing." Theo gripped your hand tighter and looked into your eyes. "What does this mean?" He questioned.

"That I love you. That we need to get through this mess before I let you into my life. You could still be a murderer for all I know."

"I'm not."

"Prove it then. Prove it to all of us that you won't hurt us again. Won't hurt me again."

"I promise, I promise, I promise. I am just thankful you're giving me the chance to prove myself to you. You're the only thing that got me through that hell. I just needed to be with you again."

"Don't make me regret it."

"I won't. Because I love you no matter what goes down."


i tried to make it different from the episode but kinda failed lol. i hope yall like it! make sure to vote! 

new: if you're into the king eddie munson from stranger things, go read my new book for him! send me some imagine requests!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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