isaac lahey ♞ you picked a crazy one

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You had no clue about the supernatural when you moved to Beacon Hills with your family. So when you met Isaac Lahey, you had no idea what you had gotten into.

Ever since you met Isaac, you had the biggest crush on him. Derek told him to stay away from you, but he didn't listen. He was falling for you too. The night that Derek kicked him out, Isaac went to the only person he knew cared. You.

You were doing homework at your desk when your bedroom door opened. You turned around to see Isaac soaking wet.

"Why are you all wet?" You questioned, forgetting the rain outside.

"Haven't looked outside?"

"Oh, right. What are you doing here?"

"Can I ask a favor?" He questioned.


"Can I stay with you for a while?"

"Not that I mind, but why?"

"The guy I was living with kicked me out." Isaac answered.

"You don't live with your parents?"

"I thought I told you about them?"

"Umm, no."

"My mom died when I was young. My brother a few years later died in war. My dad beat me everyday until the day he was killed by a homicidal lizard."

"Okay, first of all I'm sorry, I had no clue. Second, homicidal lizard? You're insane."

"Y/N, do you believe in the supernatural?"

"Like werewolves and kanimas?"

"You know what a kanima is?" Isaac questioned.

"Yeah, it's a crazy lizard that kills people... oh. Homicidal lizard..."


"Supernatural creatures are real?" You questioned.

"Do you believe me?"

"I guess."

"I have something else to tell you."

"Let me guess, you're a big bad werewolf." You said laughing. Isaac was silent. "Oh my god, you're a werewolf, aren't you?"


"A werewolf... great job Y/N you picked a crazy one." You whispered to yourself, not knowing Isaac could hear you.

"I also have super hearing." He added.


"You picked me? As in you like me?" Isaac asked smirking.

"What? No."

"With the great hearing, I can also tell when you're lying."

"Then you obviously know how I feel about you."

"I do."

There was silence. You were still wrapping your mind around Isaac being a werewolf and him knowing you like him.


"Yes..." You didn't look at him. Isaac came over to you and lifted your head up. You looked into his crystal blue eyes.

"I really like you too."

"No you don't."

"Yes, I do." He then placed his lips on yours. You were taken back, but then you returned the kiss. He moved his hands to your waist and you put your arms around his neck. You broke away and smiled. Isaac was smiling too.

"My mom should be home soon. I'll tell her you're staying with us."



After telling your mom about Isaac she gladly agreed to let him stay. When you both were in your bedroom, making out, Isaac broke away when he heard something.

"What?" You questioned. He shushed you.



"Stay here."

Isaac burst out of the room and went downstairs. You quickly followed. You had no clue who the "Alpha's" were, but you didn't care. You wanted to make sure Isaac was okay.

When you got to the bottom of the stairs, Isaac was being thrown up against the wall by the twins you recognized from school. Trying to help, you jumped on one of their backs. He quickly threw you off and you fell to the ground.

"Awww, Isaac, your little girlfriend thinks she can protect you. That's funny." One said.

"You know what would be funnier Ethan? If she was a werewolf too."

"No!" Isaac shouted as Ethan grabbed you. You tried to get out of his grip, but it was too strong. As his fangs came out, a loud howl was heard. Kali came into the house. Only you had no clue who she was.

"We told you not to bite her! It's better if she's human!" She shouted. The twins quickly let go of you and left. "This isn't over, watch your back Y/N."

"Y/N! Are you okay?" Isaac said as he ran over to you.

"I'm fine."

"Super hearing, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember."

"Y/N? Isaac?" Your mom called, walking down the stairs.

You looked at the living room and it was a mess. Lamps broken, walls smashed. How would you even explain this one.

"What the hell happened!" She shouted as she surveyed the room.

"He did it!" "She did it!" You and Isaac said at the same time. You looked at each other.

"Okay, I don't even want to know. Just clean this up please."

"Yes mom..." Your mom went back upstairs and you heard her down close.

"I am so sorry about this. It's my fault. I should probably leave. I don't want you in anymore danger." Isaac said.

"Isaac, I'm in more danger if you aren't here with me."

"But I want to keep you safe. You need to be able to take care of yourself."

"Then teach me how to fight."



"Okay. Well, I can try at least."

"Now, get this room cleaned up." You said jokingly.

"What? Why just me?"

"You said it yourself that this was your fault."

"You smart ass." Isaac said, pulling you into his arms. You felt safe.

"I know."

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