liam dunbar ♞ were you ever going to tell me?

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You and Liam had been best friends for as long as you could remember. You two told each other everything. You trusted him, and he trusted you. That's why when you started dating, it was so easy to be around him.

One night you were walking out of Target and you heard growling. You looked around, but didn't see anything. When you got to your car, you saw glowing eyes reflecting off the window. You slowly turn around, and were face to face with Liam. Yet, this wasn't Liam.

He had the yellow glowing eyes, and fangs. Your heart beat was going wild, and Liam could hear it.

"Liam?" You whispered. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked right in your eyes. He started changing back, and you just stood there. You kept telling yourself to run, but you didn't. "Were you ever going to tell me?" You questioned.

"I didn't want to hurt you." He replied shyly.

"I think you hurt me more by not telling me, Liam."

"Y/N, I'm sorry."

"How did this happen?" You asked.

"Remember when I broke my leg? Well I was the hospital, about to fall off the roof, when Scott bit me to save me."

"Scott? As in Scott McCall? No wonder you keep hanging out with him."

"He's my alpha."

"You're insane."

"It's true." Liam insisted.

"Oh, I know it is, but it's still insane."

"Can I go home with you, to make sure your safe?"

"No, I'll just see you tomorrow. Goodnight Liam."

You got in your car and drove off. The fact that Liam didn't tell you something this big really stung. You thought that he trusted you. Apparently he didn't.

You got home and went right to your room. You laid down and attempted to sleep.


It was three in the morning, and you still weren't asleep. The only way you ever could is when you and Liam were in a good place. Right now, you weren't.

You grabbed your phone and called Liam. He answered immediately.


"How come I always end up calling you when I can't fall asleep?"

"Because you love me, and I love you."

"Liam, can you come over?"

"On my way."


Not even five minutes later, there was a knock at your window. You went over and opened it for Liam.

"You were outside all night, weren't you?" You asked him.

"Possibly." He went to kiss you, but you pulled away. "Y/N?"


"I understand, it's fine."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I already told you, I didn't want you to get hurt."

"Liam, I wouldn't have gotten hurt."

"You aren't like me, Y/N. If I brought you into the screwed up supernatural mess, something could've happened to you."

"I'm weak, that's what you're saying. I'm human, and pathetic, and weak. I'm a liability." 

"That is not what I'm saying."

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