theo raeken ♞ i just want to be normal again

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Requested by: itsritinha06

Halloween was around the corner, and you were currently trying to get your boyfriend, Theo Raeken, to get into the spirit of things.

"Theo, what couple costume do you want to wear?" You asked.

"I hate costumes, just get me a shirt."

"I can't win with you, can I?"

"I hate Halloween, known fact."

"Well I love it, so that should mean you put up with it."

"Well, that's not what it means so, sorry not sorry." Theo told you.

"Dammit Theo you ruin everything!"

"What does that mean?"

"Ugh, nothing. I'm going to try on my costume, I'll be right back." You told Theo.

You went to the bathroom and put on your Sandy costume. Grease was always your favorite movie, and you loved Sandy's badass outfit at the end of the movie.

You came back into your room and Theo just stared at you.

"Well?" You asked.

"What God-awful demon possessed you to wear that?" You gasped at what Theo said.

"I thought I looked hot."

"You do, but still, why would you wear that?"

"Fine, I'll change." You went back into the bathroom and changed into your backup costume, in which you hated.

"Look, I dressed up as you." You said, walking back into the room.

"You're dressed up as a devil." Theo stated.



"No, you're rude. Now, we're going to the party story wether you want to or not. Let's go."

"Aren't you going to change?" Theo asked.

"Oh, right."


You and Theo were at the store and Theo was bored as hell.

"Can you at least try to look interested?" You asked him.

"Ugh, fine." Theo faked a smile and then walked by a crystal ball. "This is cool." He said with actual interest.


You put your hands over the crystal ball like a genie and Theo's phone went off.

"Hey, we need to meet Tracy and talk about the plan."

"Oh my god, I think the crystal ball is working. The spirits are telling me you're a dumbass." You said.


"You seriously think I'm going to help you kill my best friend, no way in hell Raeken."

"You always do this. You say you're on our side, but then you aren't."

"I never wanted this! You made me like this Theo!" You whisper shouted. You didn't want to draw attention. You calmed down. "I just want to be normal again." You said in a regular tone.

"I know..."

"Not going to say your sorry?"

"You won't forgive me."

"You clearly don't know me Theo." You said and started walking away. Theo pulled you back.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I need some space." You pulled your arm away from his grasp and walked out of the store. You went to the only place you knew you could get some space. The woods.


You were sitting at the end of the cliff when you smelled Theo. You didn't turn around when you heard him calling you in the distance.

"Y/N?" You didn't respond. "What are you doing out here?" Still nothing. "I'm sorry." You turned around and stood up. You walked over to Theo.

"I forgive you."

"Really? That easily."

"Yes." Theo pulled you to him and kissed you passionately.

"I love you." Theo told you.

"I love you too. As long as you don't cause trouble."

"Well, no promises."

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