theo reaken ♞ jealous

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Recently Theo Raeken, your crush from fourth grade, was back in Beacon Hills. When you were younger, you two were best friends. When he moved you were heart broken.

Here you are senior year of high school, and still madly in love with him.

You're sitting on the bleachers watching the boys play lacrosse when Theo came and sat beside you.

"I thought you didn't like lacrosse?" You questioned.

"I don't, but I'll give it a chance since you seem to like it."

"I only come to watch Stiles. He loves the support."

"Do you and Stiles have something going on?"

"What? No." You said laughing. You and Stiles were best friends, nothing more.

"Well, it looks like it."

"Just because I come to watch him play lacrosse?" You asked.

"No. I see you two together, there's something going on." Theo replied.

"What if there was? Why do you care so much?"

"It's not important. I'll see you later Y/N." Theo said and walked away.


While you were sitting at home doing homework, you couldn't help but think about what Theo was saying. Was he jealous of Stiles? No, he couldn't be. Theo doesn't like you like that. Does he? You were interrupted by your thoughts when you saw your window start to open.

You got up and grabbed your baseball bat that Stiles gave you, and headed over to the window. As someone started entering into your room, you swung the bat at them. The person caught it, then came into view. Theo.

"What the hell are you doing!" You shouted at him.

"I came to tell you something!"

"You could have knocked on the front door!"

"I thought climbing through your window would be more sneaky and romantic." He said smirking.

"Okay, what's your deal?"

"I came to tell you that I'm sorry for today."

"What? Theo Raeken is apologizing? I might fall over." You said sarcastically.

"Yes, I'm apologizing. I guess I was just jealous of Stiles, okay?"

"Why were you jealous? You have to know that I like you and not him." You blurted out. You instantly put your hand over your mouth.

"I did know. Every time you look at me, your heartbeat speeds up." He said, walking closer to you. " And every time I mention another girl, I can smell the jealousy on you." He got even closer to you, your lips inches apart. "Your heart is beating like crazy right now."

"Yours is too."

"You're not a werewolf. How do you know?" Theo questioned.

"Because I know you want to kiss me, as badly as I want to kiss you." You replied.

Theo instantly smashed his lips into yours. The kiss started out rough, but when your lips started moving in sync, it got more gentle. You continued like that for a while, Theo soon taking his shirt off. You pulled away and stared at his abs.

"You seriously need to help me workout." You joked. Theo pulled your shirt off and looked at you.

"Baby, you're already perfect."

"Wow, Theo Raeken apologizing and being a softy in one day! What is happening."



"Just shut up and kiss me again." By answering, you put your lips on his.

You both moved over to your bed and Theo hovered over you. With your lips still connected, you flipped over so you were on top. You pulled away from the kiss and looked at Theo.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing. I've just wanted this to happen for so long, I can't believe it's actually happing. I should have made you jealous a lot sooner."

"How about you just kiss me again." Theo suggested.

"Gosh, so needy!" You said playfully.

"When it comes to you, yes."

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