nolan holloway ♞ she isn't a monster

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Nolan Holloway

Prompt: "Your lips are getting really close to mine."

Requested by @froyopicklespray98


Being in the McCall pack right now wasn't easy. There were hunters after you, one of which was your best friend.

You never told Nolan that you were a werewolf, he would never speak to you again. And right now, he would probably kill you. Literally.

The Pack was currently meeting to talk about the next plan.

"We need Nolan and Gabe distracted." Liam stated. Everyone looked at you.

"Why me?" You questioned.

"You and Nolan are best friends, he trusts you."

"I don't want him finding out what I am."

"He won't. Please, Y/N, just do it."



You drive up to Nolan's house and notice that his parents aren't there. When you get to the door, it opens before you could knock. Nolan stood there with a cross-bow in his hands.

"Taking up archery?" You ask, sounding clueless.

"Umm, yeah, you could say that. What are you doing here?"

"Seeing if you wanted to hang out."

"Yeah, sure. Come in."

You get inside the house and something feels different. You couldn't place it though.

"Nolan, what's that smell?"

"What smell?"

"That blood smell."

"How did you know there was blood?" He questioned uneasily. You panicked. You looked at him, then found your coverup.

"I mean, there's blood on your shirt. Why?"

"Nosebleed." He quickly covered up.


"Want to watch a movie?"

"Once you put away the bow." You said, noting the bow still in hand.


You went upstairs to Nolan's room and quickly texted Scott.

Nolan was leaving as I came. Crossbow in hand. I smell blood in the house and there's some on his shirt. If I die today, I'm blaming you.

You put your phone away as Nolan came into his room.

"What movie do you want to watch?" He asked casually.

"Whatever you want."


Half way through The Duff, Nolan started getting closer to you. Soon your shoulders were touching. You got up and sat on the edge of the bed. Nolan turned off the TV and sat next to you.

"Are you okay? You've been acting weird since you got here." He asked. 

"I'm fine."

"You're not fine."

"I know."

"Then tell me what's wrong."

"Okay, let's just say, hypothetically, if I was a supernatural creature, what would you do?"

"Why would I do anything?"

"Nolan, I know you're a hunter."


"Please just answer my question."

"Well I wouldn't do anything to you. I love you and could never hurt you."




"You're not a werewolf, are you?"

"Ha, no." You said, trying to laugh.

"Good." He started leaning in a bit, and you were taken back. Soon your lips were almost touching.

"Your lips are getting really close to mine." You whispered.

"I know."

After he said that, his lips were on yours. You had never expected this to happen, but it did.

After a while of that, there was a knock at Nolan's bedroom door. You don't even remember that closing. You and Nolan broke apart, smiling like crazy. You got up and went to the bathroom, knowing it was Gabe at the door. Nolan opened it and Gabe rushed in.

"She's one of them, I told you."

"No she isn't."

"Nolan, I know you're like in love with her, but face the music man."

"She's not a monster." Monster. That word always stuck in your head.

"Yes, she is."

"No she isn't Gabe."

"We need to put her down before she hurts anyone."

"You aren't touching Y/N."

"Monroe wants her dead." Gabe stated.

"I don't care. She isn't like them."

"Whatever. The day she goes and kills someone, I'll just say I told you so."

Gabe left and you came out of the bathroom hesitantly.

"It's true, isn't it."


"Why didn't you tell me?" Nolan asked, not looking you in the eye.

"I knew what you were. I couldn't let you and your hunter pack hurt me or my pack."

"Did you ever want to tell me?"


Nolan walked over to you and cupped your cheeks.

"I am not going to let them hurt you, okay."

"Are you saying you're going to hurt me?"

"No. I could never hurt you."

"Can you promise me that?"

"Y/N, I promise I will never hurt you in any way." Nolan confirmed.

"And I promise the same. I have control, thanks to you."

"I'm your anchor?"

"You always have been."

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