isaac lahey ♞ accidentally called you my girlfriend

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Isaac was in the locker room getting ready for lacrosse when he heard some guys talking about you.

"Dude she's freaking hot."

"You think she'll be at that party tomorrow?"

"Yeah, with me."

"Dude she's way too hot for you. Have you seen her body?"

Isaac had enough of hearing that about you. You were his best friend. He always hoped for something more though.

"Stop talking about her like that you asshats." Isaac threatened.

"Oh yeah, why do you have a say in what we call her."

"Because she's my girlfriend!" Isaac shouted. He instantly realized what he said.

"Why would a girl like date a guy like you?"

"Well you see, you said it yourself, she's hot. I'm hot too, why wouldn't we be together?" Isaac played off and then walked out of the locker room.

He walked outside to your car only to see you talking to Jackson. Isaac hated Jackson for always trying to make a move on you.

"I'll see you at seven." Isaac heard as he walked up to you. Jackson looked at Isaac with a smirk on his lips.

"Did he ask you out?" Isaac questioned.

"Yeah, we're going to dinner tonight."

"You like him? Since when?"

"I want to give him a chance." You explained. "So how was your day?" You asked while getting into your car, Isaac getting in the passengers seat.

"Umm, fine."

"Not fine. What happened?"

"Why do you think something happened?" Isaac questioned.

"Because you can't lie to me at all. What happened."

"I accidentally called you my girlfriend today."


"These guys from the lacrosse team were talking about you again so I told them you were my girlfriend..." He trailed off.

"That's going to be weird when Jackson tells them I'm going out with him tonight."

"Crap, Jackson's going to kick my ass."

"Last time I checked you were a badass werewolf, Lahey."

"And he's a psychotic lizard who can paralyze me with venom."

"True, good luck amigo."

You both finally pulled up to Derek's and Isaac got out.

"I'll text you about the date later!"

"Okay, bye." Isaac replied then you drove off.


"Worst date ever." You said to yourself as you walked out of the restaurant.

Jackson got totally pissed at you because apparently you wouldn't stop talking about Isaac. He walked out half way through dinner and left. It was so awkward having people watch the encounter. You're now driving to Derek's to tell Isaac what happened.

You walked into the loft and Isaac was sitting on the couch.

"What are you doing here?"

"Figured I'd come tell you everything in person."

"What happened?" Isaac asked.

"Well, the date didn't go well. He hated how much I mentioned you."

"Why would you mention me a lot?"

"I don't know. I was just telling stories, being myself, and I guess your name was in every conversation."

"How should I react to this?"

"You should start by telling me why you really called me your girlfriend today."

"There wasn't a reason, Y/N."

"Yes there was."

"It's because I like you, okay. And I really want to call you my girlfriend."

"Ding ding, correct answer."

"Are you making fun of me? Because it's not funny to have the person you love not love you back."

"Who said I didn't love you back?"

"Does that mean you do?"

"Yes, you idiot."

"Then why'd you go out with Jackson tonight?"

"Because I knew that I would talk about you the whole time and he'd get pissed off."

"Did you really?" Isaac asked.

"No, but it was funny as hell."

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