jordan parrish ♞ put the gun down

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Requested by: BeccaaJohnson

You knew as soon as you started dating Parrish, keeping what you are a secret would be hard. Yes, he knew about the supernatural, but he didn't know that you were one.

"Y/N, I think you should tell him. He already knows about us, why don't you just tell him." Scott told you.

"I think he'll react differently if he knew what I was, Scott."

"He won't. You know he loves you, just tell him."

You thought about what Scott said. No matter what Parrish's reaction was, you needed to tell him.


You were on your way to his apartment when you heard something in the woods. You parked your car on the side of the road and got out. Walking into the trees, you heard it again. There was a slight breathing, and you knew it belonged to a werewolf. You burst threw the woods and eventually found the visitor.

"Who the hell are you?" You questioned.

"Well that's none of your business." The man replied.

"It is my business because this is my town." Instead of replying, the fellow wolf lunged at you. He brought you down, but you jumped back up. Claws and fangs out, you attacked him. You hit his head against a tree, and he knocked out. That is when you smelled a familiar scent.

"Turn around." You slowly turned and met his eye. "Y/N?" Parrish questioned, a gun pointed at you.

"Put the gun down and let's talk about this." You said quietly.

"You're like Scott too?"


"For how long?" Parrish asked.

"About two years." You replied.

"You never told me."

"I was scared, I didn't want to lose you."

"Who said you would ever lose me?" Parrish put the gun in his holster and walked up to you. Your claws and fangs were already gone. He put one hand on your cheek and the other he intertwined with your fingers. He laid his forehead on yours.

"So you don't hate me?"

"I could never hate you. Now, let's get this guy out of here, okay?" You nodded.

All of the worrying, and stress over what your boyfriend thought was for nothing. He loves you, no matter what. 

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