isaac lahey & theo raeken ♞ class notes

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You were in class taking notes when you heard shuffling behind you. Isaac was passing a note to Scott. You weren't the only one to notice though. Coach came over and took the note.

"Lahey!" Coach said, while opening the note.

"Coach please don't."

"Y/N is so gorgeous. Why in the hell is she with Derek? Can you please talk to her? She deserves someone way better than that asshat. Ugh who's also my alpha and will kill me if I go near her. Scott help."

You turned and looked at Isaac. His face was red and he smiles slightly, sinking in his desk.

"I don't know who Derek is or why you call him 'your alpha,' but I would run." Coach said then walked back to his desk.

"So you have a crush on me?" You questioned.

"Umm, no?"

"Ha, you're so cute."

"Wait, really?"



You were in Biology when Theo slid a note across the table to me.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who's bored.

You laughed lightly.

No, you're not.

Let's go ditch and do something more fun ;)

You dirty minded boy.

Hey, you're gorgeous.

"Mr. Raeken, care to tell everyone what you and Ms. Y/L/N find so funny?"

"Umm, no ma'am."


I wrote these a while ago and decided to post them because I haven't had any time to write. 

I still want to find some more Christmas prompts before I post them, so hopefully they'll be up soon. 

I have been busy with school, volleyball, and ridiculous boy problems, lol. I will hopefully have time soon to write, but in a few weeks I have finals, sooooo we'll see. 

Thank you so much for 10k!! I love you all!! Thank you for reading:))

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