isaac lahey ♞ who are you ?

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Being a Raeken wasn't easy, especially when everyone hates your twin brother.

You and Theo came back into town because he said that there was an alpha that could help him. You weren't a werewolf, but you know that Theo wants you to be.

Theo had recently been put in hell, literally, and you and the pack are at Scott's discussing it.

The pack trusts you. They don't get the vibe from you that they do Theo.

"Oh great, scarf boy is coming back."

"Who?" You asked, finally breaking out of your thoughts.

"An old friend that moved to Paris, he's coming back to visit." Scott explained.

"Oh, okay." You said then stayed quiet. It was hard not having Theo around. He was always there for you.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Asked Liam.

"No, I'm not. I used to be, but then you put my brother in hell with our crazy ass sister!" You said louder than you meant too.

"Right, sorry."

"You know what, I have to go. I'll see you all later."

You ran out of the house, only to hit someone in the driveway.

"Oh god, I'm sorry." The boy looked up and met your gaze. "You must be Y/N."

"I'm sorry, I've never seen you before. Who are you?" You questioned.

"Isaac, Isaac Lahey."

"Hi." You smiled at him and he returned the gesture. You couldn't stop staring into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh god they're already falling in love. This is why I didn't want you to come back scarf boy!" Stiles yelled from the porch.

"I wear a scarf what, one time!" Isaac said to him. You just laughed. Isaac looked at you and slightly laughed too.

"Enough of this, I'm going home." You said then started walking.

"Wait, Isaac will walk you. I don't want you out there alone."


Isaac stood next to you and you started walking. It was silent until he spoke up.

"So, you're Theo's sister? Man they said Theo was a piece of work, you don't seem to be."

"I guess I'm not."

"You're not supernatural?"

"No." You answered simply.

"Do you want to be?"


"Am I making you uncomfortable by asking you these things?"

"What, no."

"They why is it a single word answer?"

"I don't have to tell you anything else beside that."

"You shouldn't shut people out." Isaac said, grabbing your hand. You looked down, confused by the action.

"Yeah, well, I shut everybody out. Don't take it personally. It's just easier."

"Easier for what?"

"For me."

"I know what it's like to have a pretty screwed up family, and trust me when I say it's good to talk to someone about it."

"Well did your sister die right in front of you or do you have a psychotic person that's currently in hell with your sister as your twin brother?" You stated, trying to prove a point.

"No, but my mother and brother are both dead and my father beat me every day and locked me in a freezer, then he was brutally murdered by a psychotic lizard who turned out to be Jackson Whittemore, towns golden boy."

"Okay, you win." You admitted. You felt bad for Isaac, he went through a lot in his life. "Why did you leave Beacon Hills?"

"A girl I loved was murdered too. I just couldn't stay here anymore."

"Okay, stop making me feel bad for thinking my life was a mess, yours is clearly worse. No offense."

"Ha, none taken." You finally got to your house and you opened the front door.

"Thanks for walking me home."

"Of course."

You were about to close the door when Isaac stopped you.

"Y/N, if you ever need to talk, I'll be here, okay?"


part two??

posting some imagines that i wrote a while ago because i think you all will like them:) 

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