liam dunbar ♘ gif imagine [2]

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Liam Dunbar//"But I love you!" "We're just kids, we don't know anything about love."//Requested by: svenskrosa

You had recently noticed that Liam was becoming distracted by you, instead of focusing on the pack. You knew you needed to break up with him, no matter how much you didn't want too.

"Liam, I'm sorry. I don't want to do this to you; to us."

"Then don't."


"But I love you!"

"We're just kids, we don't know anything about love

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"We're just kids, we don't know anything about love."


Hi everyone!! Oh my goodness there are so many requests! Thank you for sending them. First off I want to say, thank you so so so much for 1k votes!! That is amazing! Thank you all for reading and of course, voting. 

Secondly, as of right now I have 13 Theo Raeken requests and a bunch of Isaac Lahey requests. I'm going to put them in probably two separate "chapters" but all gif imagines will be separate according to the prompt and who requested it. I'm not joining them as one gif imagine, just to be clear. How do you all feel about that? I think it'll be neater and easier if they'll all together. 

Make sure you vote and comment!! Thank you :))

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