theo reaken | no matter what goes down

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requested by: itsritz06


As soon as that gorgeous Chimera came to Beacon Hills, you couldn't help but fall for him. Except falling for him meant your cousin, Scott, and your best friend, Stiles, constantly reminded you that Theo is a mysterious douchebag that you shouldn't be around. But like always, you didn't listen to them.

"Seriously Y/N?! Dating Theo isn't a good idea." Stiles protested.

"Can you just drop it? You can't tell me what to do." 

"I can and I will." Stiles huffed and crossed his arms.

"Child." You scoffed. 

"Am not! Scott, tell her I'm right!" Scott gave Stiles a look and laughed. 

"She can date who she wants." 

You responded "Thank you!" at the same time as Stiles yelling "BUT SCOTT!"

Scott laughed and walked away from the bickering pair.


"I never want to stop kissing you." Theo said while you two sat on your bed, making out. 

"Then don't." You responded and smiled into the kiss. Theo eventually broke away and looked at the time on his phone. 

"I have to go." He looked at you and lightly smiled. "You know I always love you no matter what, right? No matter what goes down?" Theo assured.

"Where is this coming from?" You questioned and held Theo's arm. 

"I'm just making sure you know." 

Without another word, he slipped out your window and into the night. You didn't have a good feeling about how that conversation went, so you decided to follow him. 


"They're not like you, they never will be." You heard Scott's voice, breathing hard, in the library. You stood outside the door, listening to who he is talking to.

"Because I'm a Chimera? Because I'm not a real werewolf?" You instantly recognized his voice. Why were Theo and Scott together? You peaked in to see Theo's claws in Scott's stomach. You gasped. 

"Because you're barely even human." Grunts rung out after a second of silence. 

Theo pushed his claws deeper as he pushed Scott against the library stairs. 

"Theo! NO!" You yelled and rushed towards him.

His claws came out, and Scott laid there, lifeless. 

"What did you just do..." Your voice wandered off. 

"What I had to." Theo couldn't even look at you. 

"You had to kill my family? My best friend? How could you?" A tear ran down from your face. 

"Remember what I told you today? I love you no matter what happens. No matter what I do. This has nothing to do with you." You shook your head at Theo's response. How could he?

"That's where you're wrong. He is my family, so this has everything to do with me, and you never loved me. You don't even know the meaning of the word." Theo stepped closer to grab your hand. "Do not touch me." He pulled away and took a few steps back. He walked away without saying anything. 

You dropped to your knees with tears running down your face. Theo ripped your heart out and crushed it. Scott is dead right next to you. You haven't heard from Stiles in days. Your whole world is falling down, and you don't know how to stop it. 


Melissa took you back to the hospital to be with Stiles while his dad was in surgery. You explained everything that happened, even what Theo said to you. Stiles made sure he said "I told you" about five times until you told him to shut the hell up.

"I just need to talk to him, not fight him." Stiles said as him, Scott, you, Melissa, and Parrish were talking about how to save Stiles's dad.

"Stiles, you can't go alone." Melissa told him.

"Which is why I'm going too." You chimed in, walking next to Stiles.

"No!" The group exclaimed at the same time. 

"Too bad." You crossed your arms and didn't budge. 

"Does anyone even know how to find him?" Parrish pointed out. 

"We don't have to find him. He'll come to us." Stiles nodded towards you and you both walked out the door.


You watched as Theo stepped over the barrier, shocked because werewolves shouldn't be able to cross over it.

"I guess we're all telling the truth now." Theo said.

"You should've started doing that a long time ago." You countered. Theo just looked in your direction.

"You killed our best friend." Stiles said, throwing Theo Scott's jacket. 

"Let's be honest, Stiles and Y/N. Was he still really your best friend?" 

While Stiles was trying to get information out of Theo about his dad, you stood there, thinking what an idiot you were for believing Theo's lies.

"I'm not the bad guy. I'm a survivor. If you knew the things that I know--"

"Well what do you know?" Stiles countered.

"Not how to love someone and never hurt them, that's for sure." You said. "You can't even look at me." 

"Y/N, we had this conversation."

"That wasn't a conversation, Theo. That was you lying to me about how you feel and then turning around and killing my cousin. You don't kill a family member of the person you supposedly love. Then you hurt Stiles's dad?" You got closer to him, not letting this go.

"If you were in my shoes, you'd understand." Theo finally looked up at you.

"Well, I'm not. So sorry if I'm a little slow to process why the hell you did all of this." 

Theo began walking away, and Stiles pushed his back. Theo threw Stiles against the staircase, knocking him out. 

"Stiles!" You sat next to him, holding his head. You look over at Theo with anger and regret. "Never come near me again."


"Don't. Get the hell out of my life. You're a monster, and I want nothing to do with you." Theo winced when you called him a monster. He walked out of the house, and Scott came running down the stairs. He pulled you into a hug, and you cried on his shoulder. Stiles eventually woke up, and the three of you started discussing what just happened.

"His heart only jumped twice. When you called him a monster, and when Stiles mentioned his dad being poisoned." 

You had a sting of guilt when Scott said that, but pushed it out of your brain. The three of you needed to figure out a plan, and one that would result in Theo losing. 

Theo broke your heart, but you weren't going to let him break your spirit. Even though you love him no matter what goes down, or something like that. 


ok that was a super long one lol! it was requested to be a long imagine! hopefully it's good! make sure to vote! send requests my way and check out the prompt chapters! 

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