stiles stilinski ♞ brilliance about her

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Tragedy. That's the word that comes to mind when you think about your life. People die when they're around you, you're a freaking grime reaper except you're not supernatural. Everyday you wonder why your best friend even goes near you.

Stiles was the perfect friend. He was there for you through everything. The pack doesn't trust you, and neither of you had any clue why. You live by yourself, but you still end up at Stiles' almost every night. This was one of those nights.

The pack was over and you felt all eyes on you.

"Why is she here? She's not in our pack." Malia questioned harshly.

"Because she's staying the night."


"Because she can Malia, now drop it."

"Fine." She scoffed.

You were sitting on the other side of the room, so Stiles came and sat next to you.

"Stiles, I can see them judging me from across the room." You said quietly even though you knew the wolves could hear.

"No, they're not."

"Yes, we are." Liam said.

"You know what Dunbar-" You cut Stiles off.

"Stiles, it's fine, I'll just go home."

"Bye!" Malia and Liam said excitedly.

"No, don't go. Please. Just wait for me in my room, I'll be up soon."


You went upstairs and sat down on Stiles' bed.


"I don't get why he likes her so much, all she does is cause trouble and pain." Malia said to Liam and Scott outside Stiles' house.

"She's been broken in a lot of ways, but there's a brilliance about her that he likes." Scott explained.

"Damn Scott, that was deep."

"Stiles' words, not mine."


Stiles sat beside you and you leaned your head on his shoulder.

"I am so sorry about them today."

"They aren't going to change."

"They will."

"No, they won't."

"Y/N, they will. Soon they'll realize how amazing you are."

"You think I'm amazing?" You questioned.

"I think you're freaking incredible."

"I think you're pretty freaking incredible yourself."

"Can I be honest with you?" Stiles asked.


"Sometimes I feel like making out with you. Is that a best friend thing to do?"

"What?" You asked laughing. Was Stiles serious?

"Umm, never mind." Stiles said then got up off the bed. You got up and grabbed his arm.

"Sometimes I feel like making out with you too." You said shyly.

"Can we try it? I mean only if you want to." By responding you put your lips on his. Your lips started moving in sync and you felt Stiles smile into the kiss. You pulled away and smiled too. "Absolutely incredible."

"The kiss or me?"

"Both, both for sure."

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