jackson whittemore ♞ you aren't supposed to be here

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One person you hated more than anyone was Jackson Whittemore. Ever since you were younger you never liked him. So being stuck in a van watching him wasn't how you wanted to spend your day.

"Remind me later to kill my brother." You mumbled.

"Stiles is pretty stupid." You scoffed. "What's your problem?" Jackson asked.

"My problem is I rather be anywhere else than here with you."

"Screw you Stilinski."

"Screw me? Screw you!" You shouted. Jackson tried to get up, but the chain held him down. "What were you going to do? I may be a human, but you don't scare me Whittemore."

"Maybe I was going to kiss you."

"Yeah right." Jackson looked at you. When you looked into his eyes you knew he was serious. Suddenly the van door opened and you jumped. It was Stiles. "Oh thank gosh."

"We have a problem." Stiles said as he closed the door.


"They know he's missing."


"I can't believe they put a restraining order against us." Stiles complained as you two walked into your house.

"You kidnaped him!"

"We." Stiles corrected.

"No, you. You took the van and you took Jackson. You made me come along, this wasn't my choice brother." Stiles knew you were right. You went into your room and locked the door. You heard something behind you. You turned around to see your window open, and Jackson standing there inside your room. "You aren't supposed to be here."

"I know, but I needed to do something."

"What?" Jackson replied by cupping your cheeks and connecting his lips with yours. You knew this was a bad idea, but you didn't care. You kissed back and moved your arms to put them around his neck. He started moving you backward, and soon your back hit the wall. The door suddenly opened.

"Y/N I-" Stiles stopped when he saw you and Jackson. You two broke apart. "Okay, this is totally disobeying that restraining order!" Stiles shouted.

"Yeah Y/N, I can't believe you did that. Totally not right." Jackson said, slowly walking towards the window. "Still can't believe it." He continued.

"Jackson?" Stiles asked.


"You're so full of crap."

"I know."

Jackson finally left and Stiles gave you a dirty look.

"I thought you hated him."

"I do."

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