stiles stilinski ♞ not leaving because of you

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Requested by: chelsea635

You always knew he loved her. He always chose her over you. You had no family, and he was sometimes the closest to it.

You had always loved Stiles. He was your best friend. He never realized though, that you thought of him like that.

You've lived with Stiles and Sheriff Stilinski for three years after what happened with your parents. Noah knew what had been going on, and he was more than happy to let you live with him. The only thing about living with them was that your feelings for Stiles grew stronger, but he was in love with Lydia.

"Y/N, can you pass the milk?" Stiles asked as you were sitting at the kitchen table having breakfast. You passed him the gallon and continued eating your cereal. "Oh hey, the pack is coming over today to talk about that ax murder guy." Stiles told you.


"What's up with you?" You looked up.




"All I know is that I better not die." Complained Stiles as the pack was talking about the ax murder. You were only in the pack because Stiles talked them into letting you in.

"We wouldn't let you die." Lydia said. As soon as she said that, Stiles wouldn't take his eyes off of her. You frowned.

"How's Liam doing with everything?" You asked. Everyone just looked at you.

"Oh you know, trying to kill people because he has no control, so amazing!" Malia said sarcastically.

"Malia." Stiles scolded.

"No it's fine, that was a stupid question." You got up and went upstairs. Before you laid down on your bed, you went over to you bookshelf. You decided that it was time to use the gift that Isaac had gotten you when he left.


You walked back downstairs, suitcases in hand, and noticed Stiles wasn't there.

"Y/N?" Kira questioned.

"Tell Stiles I'll be in Paris if he needs me."

You walked out of the door and got into your car. You drove to the airport and didn't turn back.


Stiles walked back into the room and was confused when he saw the look on everyone's face.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Umm, well Y/N just said if you needed her she would be in Paris." Scott replied.


"Exactly what he said." Lydia told him.

Without another word, Stiles ran to his jeep and headed for the airport.


You were about to go into the security line when you heard your name being called. You turned around and saw Stiles standing there. You walked over to him, even though you told yourself not to.

"Why are you leaving?"

"Because I need to."

"Why Paris?"

"Isaac gave me a plane ticket to Paris when he left, I might as well use it." You explained.

"Did I do something wrong?" Stiles asked.

"Not at all. Stiles, keep following your heart, alright. I love you." You gave him a hug, and went back to the security line. You gave him a small wave, and he just stood there.

After you got through the line and were no longer able to be seen, Stiles went home. He found that the pack had already left, and his dad was home.

"Stiles, I found this in Y/N's room." The Sheriff said, handing him a letter.

"She went to Paris."

"I know."

Stiles and Mr. Stilinski,

Thank you so much for everything you did for me. I love you both for it. I'm not leaving because of you. I'm leaving because of me. Yes, you two are my family, but not truly. I guess the person I'm going to live with isn't either, but I grew up with him, he's like my brother.

Isaac gave me a plane ticket to Paris when he left, in case I ever needed to go there. I didn't think I was going to use it, but I guess I am. I will keep the same phone number if you ever need to contact me.

Love you both.


Stiles thought about what you said, how it wasn't him that made you leave. Deep down Stiles knew that was a lie, and little did he know, he was actually right. 


Okay, that was the last request I needed to write. Sorry if it took so long for your imagine to get posted. 

Requests are still closed. I am taking a break until December 1st on imagines. On that date, I will post Christmas Prompts!! YAYYY!

Thank you for almost 500 votes and 8.8k reads!!

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