theo raeken ♞ juliet. no.

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Requested by: ruwaidahmulla

You were always the only one that trusted Theo. Even after all of the terrible things he did, you still loved him. Now, going against the hunters, Theo was on your packs side, but they still don't trust him.

"Why can't you see that he wants the same things as us?" You questioned the pack.

"Because he did too much bad for us to just forget about it." Liam replied.

"Then can you guys trust me? I know he would never do that again." They were silent.

"Fine." Liam finally said. "He can help, but that doesn't mean he becomes part of our pack."

"Thank you."

You left Scott's and headed over to yours and Theo's apartment. When you walked inside, he was sitting on the couch.

"You're part of the pack!"

"Wait, really?" Theo got up.

"Yeah, no. But they did say you could help."

"Fantastic." Theo said sarcastically.

"Hey, at least I got you somewhat in." You said then quickly kissing him.



You and Theo got a call from Scott telling you two to meet him at Deaton's. When you pulled up, him, Liam, and Mason were already there.

"Okay, what's up?" You asked as you and Theo walked in the door.

"We need to find both halves of the Anuk-Ite." Scott told you. He continued, "You, Mason, and Theo are going to the tunnels."

"No." Liam said immediately.

"Why not?"

"Mason isn't going with him." He said, pointing to Theo.

"I'll be there too." You reminded him.


"Theo's going, end of discussion. Come on."


As you were walking in the tunnels, Mason and Theo would not stop their bickering.

"Can you two stop? Your fighting isn't getting us anywhere." You told them.

"He started it." Theo defended.

"You big baby."

"No one wants him in the pack Y/N." Mason said to you.

"I know; that's why it's my job to change their minds."

"That should be Theo's job." Mason mumbled. Theo turned around and looked at the both of you. You thought he was going to attack Mason, until you heard something. Theo grabbed you and Mason and brought you to the ground with him.

"What the hell?" You all looked up and saw one half of the Anuk-Ite. Theo got up and was going to fight it.

"Theo! No! That's what it wants!" You shouted at him, it didn't help. Theo lunged at it but didn't succeed. The half ran off, clearly injured and looking for it's other half. You went over to Theo. "Why don't you listen?"

"Because I thought I could kill him." You both looked over at Mason, who was in pain laying on the floor. Theo went over and grabbed his hand. You watched as he tried to take his pain.

"You can't take pain if you don't care." Mason said. You pushed Theo out of the way and grabbed Mason's hand. The pain he was feeling was fading. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now let's get you out of here."


"What the hell was that?" You asked Theo as soon as you two got home.


"Not taking Mason's pain? Did you do that on purpose?"

"No, Y/N." He replied simply.

"Then why couldn't you take it?"

"Mason said it himself, I don't care." You were silent. You knew Theo had to care.

"You don't care about me?" It was his turn to be silent. You went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife, and came back into the living room.

"What are you doing?" Instead of answering, you stabbed yourself in the stomach. "Y/N!" Theo caught you and you fell into his arms. He cupped your cheeks. "Why in the freaking hell did you just do that?"

"Because I know you care." Most of the pain was already gone when Theo realized what you did. He grabbed your hands and took the rest of it.

"We're like Romeo and Juliet." Theo stated.

"You know I'm not dying, right? I didn't stab myself that bad." You said slightly laughing.

"Right." You leaned forward and kissed Theo. He immediately kissed back. "I know that I've never said this, but I love you." He said once you two broke the kiss.

"I love you too." You replied smiling.

"Juliet." Theo said smirking.



I am sooooo sorry that it took so long to write! I have been super busy lately. I have three other requests to write, and hopefully they will be posted today. 

Thank you for 5.6k reads and over 350 votes! 

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