isaac lahey | you're in love you idiot

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requested by: theamycate


It was another day at school when you noticed Isaac Lahey staring at you from across the hallway. You have always felt a connection to Isaac, but you had no idea why. You look in his direction and he quickly looked away, avoiding eye contact. You smiled to yourself, then headed to class.

During class you couldn't stop thinking about him, even though you had never really talked to the boy before. You wanted to know more, and the only way to do that was to actually speak to him.

After school you looked all over for him, but didn't see Isaac anywhere. You were walking in the athletic hallway and suddenly a large force barreled into you.

"I am so sorry!" The boy said, helping you up. It was Isaac.

"It's ok, I'm sorry." You looked into each others eyes, and as he grabbed your hand, a sensation ran through you.

"It was my fault Y/N." He told you.

"I didn't realize you knew who I was." You said to him.

"I know you catch me staring at you everyday, how wouldn't I know you." You smiled at his comment. "I'm extremely late to practice, but do you want to go out some time?" He asked.

"I'd love to." You handed him your phone and he quickly put his number in.

"Text me later, bye beautiful." He ran out of the hall, and you stood there in awe. You were amazed at how smoothly that went. You walked to your car, and drove home; Isaac on your mind the whole time.

You texted Isaac at six, then took a shower. When you got out, you looked at yourself in the mirror. A mark over your heart caught your eye. You looked closely and noticed it was a symbol, of what you didn't know. You immediately looked it up online, but came up with nothing. Your phone buzzed, and quickly picked it up. It was Isaac.

Hey beautiful, just got out of practice :)

You melted once again when he called you beautiful.

You spent the whole night texting, which made you forget about the mark. After Isaac had showered though, he noticed one over his heart too. Struck with confusion he asked Derek what it was.

"You're in love you idiot. I told you not to get close to people."

"What?" Isaac was taken back.

"That's a mate mark. You have one when you've met your soulmate. Except it usually only happens with werewolves." Derek answered.

"So she'll have one too?" Isaac asked.

"So there is a girl?"

"Her name's Y/N. She's a human, Derek. Today was the first day I even talked to her, but when I grabbed her hand, there was this feeling..."

"Soulmates." Derek simply said and walked away.

"Wait!" Isaac chased after him. "Do I tell her? About me? Do I ask her if she has the mark too?" Isaac had no idea what to do.

"You'll figure it out." Derek walked out of the loft after that.

"Seriously!" Isaac shouted.

He stayed up all night trying to figure out what to do, and when morning came, he still had no idea.

"Hey beautiful." Isaac said, approaching your locker.


"So I'm just going to be extremely straight forward with this. Please don't get scared." You had a worried expression on your face. "Do you have a mark over your heart?"

"How did you know?" You questioned. He pulled down his shirt to show you his. "What does it mean?"

"It's a mate mark. It means we're soulmates." He answered.

"How is that even possible?"

"Because one of us is a werewolf." You started laughing as soon as he said that, but Isaac kept a serious expression.


"I understand if you want nothing to do with me. But I promise I'll never hurt you, no one will." He said, grabbing your hand. You looked at him and smiled.

"We're soulmates stupid. I'm not going anywhere."

"How about that date? Today, after school?" Isaac asked.

"That would be amazing."

Isaac kissed your forehead and walked to class. You smiled, and started giggling. You were so confused about what just happened, but you didn't care, you trusted Isaac, and knew you would have a future together. 


hi everyone! sorry i haven't been writing! i have been so busy with school ! here's a nice long isaac imagine lol ! enjoy !

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