theo raeken ♞ like romeo and juliet

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Requested by: barrymendess

You trusted Theo and you loved Theo. And the pack didn't like that.

When Scott, your twin brother, noticed that you were gaining interest in Theo when he came back to town, he basically forbid you from seeing him. That didn't stop you though. You and Theo have been dating secretly for months. You told yourself many times not to trust him after everything he did to your brother and pack, but you found yourself trusting him again and again.

It was ten o'clock when there was a light tap on your window. Scott wasn't home, so you knew who this was.

"Theo." You said smiling as you opened the window.

"Hey." He climbed in your room and pulled you to him. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." You gave him a long kiss and broke away. "We don't have that long."

"As long as I get a little time with you, I'll be okay."


After a pretty heavy make-out session, you and Theo laid down in bed, his arms wrapped protectively around you.

"We're like Romeo and Juliet." Theo stated.

"Minus the death part, let's hope."

"I would never let that happen to you."

"Good to know."

You and Theo quickly got up when you heard a familiar bike pull into your driveway.

"You have to go."

"I know." Theo kissed you and made his way to the window.

"Theo." You whispered. He stopped and looked at you. "I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too."

He jumped out of the window and ran off to where you couldn't see him. You heard the downstairs door open which meant you needed to get rid of Theo's scent. You sprayed Lysol everywhere and hoped it covered it up. You laid back in bed and acted like you were on your phone.

"Y/N!" Scott shouted from downstairs.

"In my room!"

Your door opened and Scott started smelling your room.

"Why does it smell like Lysol?" He questioned.

"It smelled like bathroom in here so I sprayed some Lysol."

"It smelled like bathroom?" He asked, repeating your words.


"Sure... well goodnight."

"Goodnight brother!"

Scott left your bedroom and your phone went off.

"Bathroom." I'm offended.

You started laughing at Theo's text. You quickly replied with 'I love you.' and tried to go to sleep.


The pack decided to have a meeting at Deaton's, but you were running late.

"Where is she?" Malia questioned.

"She'll be here soon, but-" Scott got cut off when he heard the door lock. He ran over to the front, and he couldn't get the door open. "Mountain ash." He mumbled.

"What?" Liam asked.

"Mountain ash... it's around the whole building. That's what's barricading the doors."

"But doesn't Deaton always have mountain ask around the building?" Asked Theo.

"Yeah, but this is stronger."

"Call Y/N." Mason and Liam said at the same time. Scott looked at them.

"Sometimes I feel like you all like her more than me." Scott complained.

"We do." Mason, Liam, and Theo said together. Scott looked at Theo.

"You better be staying away from her."

"Okay, okay. Let's not get into this now." Lydia said, stepping in-between the two boys. "Call Y/N."

Scott called you and told you what happened. You found an old book about mountain ash at your house and brought it with you. While you were doing that, everyone at Deaton's was sitting down, waiting.

"It's all up to her now. Y/N's the only one that can save us." Theo said dramatically.

"Stop being so dramatic you crybaby." Liam told him.

"I'm a crybaby? Look who's talking."

"At least I'm not crying over a girl I know I can't have." Both boys were standing up now.

"Who says I don't already have her?"

"What did you just say?" Scott questioned.

"Nothing." Theo quickly said.

"It was you at the house last night, wasn't it."

"Scott McCall finally figured something out." After Theo said that, Scott punched him the face. Theo fell, but got back up.

"You go near her again, and I swear to-"

"Scott!" You were able to get the barrier down and you quickly rushed inside. You knew you had to stop him before he did something stupid. Everyone looked at you. You looked at Theo and saw he had a bloody nose. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Have you really been seeing him after I told you not too?"

"Yes." You answered. 


"Because I love him, and I don't care what you say. He isn't a bad guy, you just think he is. He cares about me, a lot. I know he would never hurt me." Theo came over and grabbed your hand.

"It's true."

"You love her too?" Scott questioned, looking at you two.

"More than anything."

"I shouldn't be giving into this, but you have been happy lately..."

"So you'll give Theo a chance?" You asked your brother.

"Ehh, I guess."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Theo said sarcastically.

"Okay, before this gets more awkward-" You looked at Theo. "Let's go."

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