isaac lahey ♞ what's up with the scarf

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Requested by: BeccaaJohnson

You noticed that lately Isaac had been acting weird. What made you start noticing was that he continuously wore scarves. Your brother Stiles teased him about it, but Isaac paid no mind. Finally you decided to ask him yourself.

"What's up with the scarf?" You questioned. "It's the middle of summer."

"I just like scarves." He responded.

"I'm not accepting that as an answer." You said, crossing your arms.

"Why not?"

"Because you've been wearing a scarf for weeks when it's ninety degrees out."


"You are so frustrating Isaac Lahey." You told him.

You went into your bedroom and before you laid down, something in your mirror caught your eye. There was a mark on your neck. You had no clue how you got it, or where it came from.

"You finally saw it." You jumped when you heard Isaac's voice.

"What is it?"

"A mate mark."

"But I'm not a werewolf." You pointed out.

"I know, but Derek said that's what it is. He said their rare, and especially when one person is a human." Isaac explained.

"Maybe we should talk to Deaton."

"Good idea."


You and Isaac pulled up to Deaton's and saw that Scott was there too. When you walked inside of the building, Scott was the one to greet you.

"Isaac, Y/N?"

"Hey Scott."

Deaton came around the corner.

"Come on in guys."


"So it's actually a mate mark?" You questioned.

"Yes, and it's rare. A werewolf usually never finds their mate, and it's even more rare since you're a human."

"What does that mean?" Isaac asked.

"That your love and bond is strong. It will be hard to keep you two apart."

"Great." Scott mumbled.

You thought about what Deaton said. You knew you loved Isaac, but you didn't realize you loved him enough to be his mate.

"Y/N?" Isaac's voice broke you out of your thoughts.

"Yeah?" You questioned.

"Let's go home."


You got to your house and immediately laid down in your bed. Isaac followed.

"I know this is a lot to take in..." He started.

"I just don't know what it means, really. Does this give us special powers or something?"

"No, I don't think so." Isaac said, slightly laughing. He put his arm around your waist and pulled you to him. "I love you, even if we weren't mates."

"I love you too."

You realized that this was a good thing. Your bond with Isaac would be strong, and that would keep you two together for a lot longer. 


Requests are still closed. 

I am almost done with the pile of requested imagines I have. I am sorry if yours took or is taking so long to post. 

Sorry for any grammatical mistakes, I typed this pretty fast and didn't proof-read. 

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