liam dunbar ♞ cheat part one

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You and Liam had been dating since you were at Devenford Prep together. When he went to Beacon Hills High, you came with him. You would do anything for Liam. When he became a werewolf, he told you because you were his anchor.

Lately, Liam has been hanging out with Hayden, and ignoring you. It made you really mad. You were pretty much convinced that he was cheating on you.

You're currently sitting on the bleachers watching lacrosse practice. Hayden was across the field playing soccer. She made a goal then looked over at Liam. Liam was up and the lacrosse ball went right into the net. He looked over at her and smirked. What the hell?

You got up and walked down to the field and stood on the side, watching Liam more closely. It was like he didn't even know you were there.

"We seriously need to tell her." You heard from behind you. You turned around and saw Stiles and Scott talking to each other. When they saw you looking at them, they immediately walked away. You ran over and stopped them

"What the hell is going on?" You questioned.

"Why would something be going on?" Stiles said.

"You said you need to tell 'her' something. Then when I looked at you, you ran away. What the hell should I know?"

"Okay, umm. Scott here will tell you." Stiles said sheepishly.

"What? No way."

"Someone just tell me!" You shouted.

"Liam's cheating on you!" Stiles shouted too loudly. You turned to look at Liam. He was already looking at you. People from the bleachers were watching too.

"I knew it! You douche bag Liam Dunbar!" You yelled at him then ran towards your car.

Before you could get into the car, an arm pulled you back.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." Liam.

"Save your sorry you ass. I can't believe this. I have been there for you through everything! The minute you got expelled and came here, I transferred just to be with you. When you became a freaking werewolf, I was terrified! But I got through it so I could help you. All of that, was obviously for nothing!" Tears were threatening to spill, but you didn't let them.

Liam was silent. He didn't know what to say. You looked at him and he barely looked guilty.


"Yes." He said, not looking you in the eye.

"Did you ever love me? Like really love me."

"I don't know."

"Figured. Thanks for this Liam. I really deserved this, didn't I. Goodbye."

You got into your car and drove off. You were beyond angry and sad. The minute you pulled into your drive way, the tears fell. You thought about how much you cared for Liam, and told yourself that you would never care about someone that much again. Little did you know, you would start falling for someone new.

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