theo raeken ♞ why are you so annoying ?

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Requested by: Anonymous

You Theo were best friends when you both were kids, but when he came back to Beacon Hills, that all changed. He was a different person, and you didn't like it. He went by your house every night to try and convince you to give him a chance, and he never gave up. This was one of those nights.

You heard a light tapping on your window and you immediately knew it was Theo.

"Go away." You said, still laying on your bed. The knocking got louder. You finally got up and opened the window. "Why are you so annoying?" You asked when you saw Theo.

"Why can't you open a window as soon as you hear knocking?"

"Shut up." Theo entered your room and plopped down on your bed. "Yes Theo, come in and lay on my bed, make yourself at home." You said sarcastically.

"Thanks, I will." He replied with a smirk.


"I want to take you somewhere."

"No." You said immediately.

"You don't even know where."

"I don't care."

"Please?" He said and gave you puppy eyes. You looked at him.



You and Theo were driving his truck somewhere, and you had no clue where.

"Where are we going?" You questioned.

"You'll see."

Soon you started seeing lights and cars parked everywhere. Theo was taking you to your favorite place growing up.

"The carnival?" You asked, a small smile on your face.


Theo parked his truck and you both got out. You started walking to the entrance.

"Two tickets." Theo told the lady at the booth. She handed him the tickets and Theo gave her the money. "Let's go." He said when he turned back to you.



You two had won some games, and ate a ton of cotton candy. You were about suggest you leave, when Theo was walking over to the ferris wheel.

"No." You protested.

"Still hate heights?"


"I promise I won't let anything happen to you, alright?" He said, putting out his hand for you to take it. You gave him a questioning look. Theo raised his eyebrows.

"I'm holding you to that Raeken."

You and Theo got in line and after about a ten minute wait, you were climbing into the seat.

You suddenly got really nervous, and Theo could feel it. He grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers.

"You'll be fine." The wheel started going up, and you clung onto Theo. He smiled.

You two finally reached the top and you wouldn't look anywhere but up.

"Y/N, look at me." You slowly turned your head to face him. He used one hand to cup your cheek, but kept the other one intertwined with your fingers. He leaned in, and you were going to back away, but you didn't. Your lips touched, and you suddenly forgot about everything around you.

"Does this mean you'll give me another chance?" Theo asked when you broke away.

"Maybe. Only if you promise never to take me on a ferris wheel ever again."



Finally able to update! Thank you so much for your patience!! 

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