stiles stilinski ♞ terrifying rom-com

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The only thing that bothered you about your best friend Stiles was that he always made you go everywhere with him. If had to help a Scott with Liam, you had to go. Now, it's always watching Theo. Stiles doesn't trust him, but you think he's pretty hot.

You were broken out of your thoughts when there was a knock on your door. You ran downstairs and there was a out of breath Stiles on your front porch.

"Are you okay?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You're wearing two different shoes." You said, pointing to his feet.

"Oops. Anyway I need your help."


"What? Why no?"

"I mean no."


"Once again, to quote Hamlet act III scene iii line 92, 'no.'"

"Stop being so technical and get your pretty little ass in the jeep."

"I'm not going to help you stalk Theo, even though he's hot."


"Yeah, hot." You confirmed.

"I hate you, now get in the jeep."

"I don't have a choice do I?"



Theo was in the woods so you and Stiles were too. You were hiding behind a tree watching him. He eventually turned around and looked in your direction. You both covered your mouths, hoping he couldn't hear you.

"Well, well." You heard Theo's voice say. He was now standing in front of you.

"Theo, hey man!" You said as excitedly as you could.

"What the hell are you doing here? Why do you keep stalking me?"

"Yeah, Y/N, why do you keep stalking him?" Stiles asked. You scoffed.

"Okay, first of all, this was your idea. Second, I didn't agree to it, you did. Third,

someone had to come with you and make sure you didn't get yourself killed." 

"Who said I was going to get killed?"

"Do you know what Theo is capable of?" You questioned.

"You two fight like a married couple." Theo stated.

"Shut up!" You and Stiles shouted at the same time.

"Stiles, let's go." You grabbed his ear and pulled him to his jeep.

"Ouch!" Stiles complained.

You got into his jeep and he climbed into the drivers side.

"Can we go get drunk instead of watching a rom-com?" Stiles asked.

"We can do both."

"And this is why you're my best friend."


"Hahahahaha no! That did not just happen! He couldn't have chosen her! What the hell?" Stiles shouted. You two had raided your moms wine cabinet and Stiles had already had half of the bottle.

A little more into the movie, Stiles started holding your hand. You were confused.

"What are you doing?"


"You're holding my hand?"

"I'm holding your hand because the movie is scary, alright? It's a terrifying... Rom-com..."

"Yeah, sure."

"Maybe I was doing it for another reason." He said.

"And what would that be?" By answering Stiles slammed his lips into yours.

You were taken back by the action, but you started kissing back. You soon remembered that he was drunk, so you pulled away.

"You're really drunk right now. I don't think you're gonna remember any of this."

"No, I'm not drunk at all. You're just blurry."

"Stiles, let me get you to bed."

"But I rather make out with you!"

"We can do that later."


"Let's go." You said laughing.

You pulled him up and he latched onto you. You basically dragged him up the stairs and into your room. You helped him lay down on the bed and when you were about to walk out, Stiles stopped you.

"Wait, please lay with me." Stiles begged.

"Fine, but your drunk ass better not try anything."

"It won't"

You turned off the lights and laid down next to him. He pulled you to him and put your arms around your waist.

"Good night Y/N."

"Good night you idiot."

"Can we make out tomorrow?"

"Ha, sure, if you even remember that you want too."

"Oh trust me, I'll remember."

And that, Stiles did.



Happy Birthday to the absolutely incredible Dylan O'Brien!! 

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