liam dunbar ♞ love of my life isn't human

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Requested by: itsritinha06

You and Liam were on your way to Derek's because he wanted help with the annoying kids that were trick or treating.

"Why do we have to go to Derek's?" Liam complained.

"Because he needs help."

"Handing out candy to kids?"

"He hates kids, so I'm doing them a favor, not him."

"Very true."

You two pulled up to the loft and got out of the car. As you got out, you went to grab the small bag of candy you brought with you. It was all gone.

"Who ate all of my candy?" You questioned. You looked at Liam, his face turned a slight red.

"Probably Stiles." Liam said.

"Why would Stiles have been in my car?"

"How should I know. Let's just go, okay?"

"I'm watching you Dunbar." You said, punching Liam in the arm.

When you walked into Derek's loft, Stiles, Lydia, and Scott were already there.

"Hey Y/N, Liam."

"Hey Stiles."

You all started a conversation while Liam just stood and watched.

"Anyone else notice the small child staring at us?" Derek joked.

"Ha-ha, very funny Derek." Liam said sarcastically.

"Okay so Stiles, Lydia, Scott, and I have to go. Are you two going to be okay here by yourselves?" Derek asked you and Liam.

"We aren't children Derek." You said.

"Yeah, yeah got it. See you punks later." The four walked out of the loft and that left you and Liam.

"Want to watch a movie while we wait for kids?" Liam asked.

"Of course."


Halfway through Halloween Town, Liam heard an extra heartbeat in the room. It wasn't a scent he recognized either.

"Somebody's watching us." Mumbled Liam. You paused the TV.


"Nothing, I just think maybe we should go back to your place."

"Why?" You questioned.

"Please, Y/N, just listen to me."

"Ugh, fine. But if Derek gets all pissed off, it's your fault."

You two got in your car and drove to your house. When you got there, Liam walked you to the door.

"You aren't staying?"

"I have to do something, then I'll be back, okay?"

"Okay." You replied. 

"Hey Y/N?"


"Trust no one tonight." Liam said then took off. Before you could ask why, he was gone.

When you went into your house, you didn't feel safe. What Liam said really freaked you out. You were in your room, listening to music when you heard something break downstairs. Your parents were out of town, so you didn't know who that would be. Maybe Liam.

You slowly walked downstairs, peaking over every corner to see if it was clear. When you got to the living room, you heard breathing behind you. You turned around and Nolan and Gabe were standing there.

"Nolan? Gabe? What the hell are you doing here?" You questioned.

"You have to come with us." Gabe demanded.

"Umm, no?"

"Umm, yes. Let's go." Gabe grabbed your arm and pulled you towards the door.

"Gabe, what the hell!" You tried to get out of his grip, but he was stronger. Suddenly he was pulled backward and slammed against the wall. You quickly turn and Liam was there standing above him. Gabe was out cold.

"How did you do that?" You questioned, referring to the amount of strength that he used. Before he could answer, Nolan held up his crossbow at you.

"Come any closer Liam and I kill her." You heart was beating out of your chest, why was Nolan doing this?

"Nolan, don't. What you guys have against me doesn't involve her. Let her go." Nolan put the bow down, but only so he could grab you. He held the bow to you once again. "Nolan! Don't!"

"I have to do this! If not she'll kill me!" Nolan shouted. You had no clue what was going on.

"I won't let that happen, just let her go..." Liam was getting angry. He could feel it.

"No." This was Liam breaking point. He lunged at Nolan and threw him against the wall, knocking him out completely, like he had Gabe.

You stood there silent. You looked at his eyes and they were a bright yellow.

"Your eyes... what's happening to them?" You asked slowly. Liam closed his eyes and opened them again. They were back to normal. You couldn't believe what you just saw. You didn't know what to think.

"Y/N-" You cut him off.

"What are you?"

"I'm a werewolf."

"They're real?" You questioned.

"Derek and Scott are werewolves too."


"Scott's the one that bit me." Liam stated. You were in complete and udder shock. How was Liam a werwolf.

"I can't believe you're a werewolf... that's insane."

"You shouldn't be so shocked."

"I just found out my best friend and love of my life isn't human and you're criticizing me for being shocked?" You blurred out.

"Well I'm sorry, but I-" he stopped. "Did you just say love of your life?" Liam questioned.

"Umm, no?"

"Yes you did."


"I can hear your heartbeat, you're lying."

"Fine, I'm lying."

"I'm glad." Liam said.


"Because you're the love of my life too, duh." After Liam said that, he cupped your cheeks and placed his lips on yours. You kissed back immediately. When you broke apart, you rested your forehead on Liam's.

"Can we maybe get them out of here, then continue this." You said, pointing to the unconscious hunters in your living room.

"Oh yeah, let me call Scott and Derek."

"Wow, my life saver."


Last Halloween imagine!! Thank you to everyone who requested some based on the prompts! I hope you enjoyed them all:) 

I will be posting new prompts soon, but if you have requests based on something you come up with, feel free to tell me! I would be happy to write it:)

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