(young) peter hale ♘ gif imagine [2]

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(young) Peter Hale//"You fainted...straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn't have to go to such extremes."//Requested by: svenskrosa

You, being the naturally adventurous person that you are, decided to go for a walk in the woods. Every so often, you would hear a crack of the branches, but you weren't really fazed by it. Soon, something did change your eye though, something out of the ordinary.

Blue glowing eyes were right in front of you. A soft growl soon was heard. When the beast came out of the bushes, you screamed, and then fainted... straight into somebody's arms.

You woke up on a couch, but not your own.

"Finally, you're awake."

"Peter? What the hell happened?"

"Peter? What the hell happened?"

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"You fainted...straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn't have to go to such extremes."

"Who said I wanted your attention?"

"Oh, no one had to say it love." 


hi guys! i am so so so so sorry that i haven't been updating!! i have been crazy busy and have had zero time to write. i had a little time right now, so i wanted to get at least one imagine done. for the next week, i probably won't be able to write at all. i have a bunch of stuff going on before i go on break. during my break i also have a ton of things planned, but hopefully i will be able to get some imagines done!! thank you, and please continue to be patient. i love you all, and i don't forget about the imagines, trust me. 

make sure you vote :))

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