isaac lahey | i won't miss that

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requested by: theamycate


After your family had died, you had no one but Isaac, and he had no one but you. You spent every night and day together, because he was never going to leave your side.

Tonight you were cuddled on Derek's couch, watching movies.

"Want anything?" You asked Isaac, getting up to go to the kitchen.

"Can you make me some toast?"

"Of course baby." You kissed his head and headed for the kitchen.

You made his toast and got a poptart, put it on the table in front of the couch, and sat on Isaac's lap.

"I'm trying to eat my toast." Isaac told you, laughing.

"I know." You wrapped your arms around his neck, holding on tightly.

Isaac managed to eat his toast, and then handed you your poptart, feeding it to you.

"Y/N?" Isaac asked. His tone sounded serious, so you loosened your grip and looked him in the eyes.


"Do you want to get our own place? You already have a job, and I can get one, and we can live together. On our own."

"I would love that." You attacked Isaac with kisses, not wanting to let go. Isaac laid you down and got on top of you, kissing your neck.

The door to the loft opened and you both heard Derek yell, "not this again!" Isaac sat up and you followed, looking at Derek.

"I won't miss that." Isaac mumbled.

"You're finally leaving?"

"That's rude, but yes, we are." You said.

"Great." Derek said and went to his room.

"I'm so excited." You whispered, kissing Isaac's lips lightly.

"Me too baby." 


im so sorry i haven't been updating !! i've been so busy ! and i leave out of town for three weeks next week, so i won't be writing for a while. so this next week ill try and get stuff done!!

make sure you vote!!

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