brett talbot ♞ look at that

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Requested by: kayalee1224

One thing about being Liam Dunbar's twin sister is that you had to hate Brett Talbot. All Liam ever talked about was how much he hated him. He told you everyday not to talk to him or go near him, but you never listened. You and Brett had been secretly dating for months, and you knew Liam could never find out.

"You're sure Liam is gone for the weekend?" Brett asked, climbing through the window in your bedroom.

"Yes. He went with Scott to some training thing."

"In that case-" Brett pulled you into his arms and placed his lips on yours. They started moving in sync, and you got butterflies in your stomach. Brett broke away. "-Let's make this weekend count."


"So, how was your time without me? Did you miss me?" Liam said, squeezing your cheeks. He had just gotten home and found you sitting on the couch. You took about five showers, and washed your clothes four times so he couldn't smell Brett.

"It was fine, and no, I didn't miss you."

"That's a lie, but whatever." He started walking away, but he turned around. "Oh yeah, the pack is coming over soon, so get dressed."


Lydia, Scott, Malia, Stiles, and Kira were in your living room talking about pack things.

"Liam, do you even have a reason to hate Brett?" Scott questioned. Your heart sped up at the sound of his name, and all of the werewolves heard it.

"What was that Y/N?" Your brother questioned.

"What was what?"

"Your heartbeat just sped up when he said Brett's name, why?" You knew you couldn't lie to him, but you couldn't tell him the truth.

"I don't know."

"Yes you do, why?"

"Liam, drop it." Scott told him.

"No. Is the reason why you showered so many times today because Brett was over here while I was gone?"

"How did you know I showered so many times?" You questioned, now standing up.

"Oh come one, you smell too clean, Y/N." Your face started getting red. "Look at that. I've never seen your face get so red! You are guilty."

"Fine!" You shouted. If all eyes weren't on you before, they were now. "Brett was over here this weekend, because we've been dating for months. I'm sorry Liam that I just want to be happy! But nooooo, Liam always decides everything. It's your fault that I had to move here from Devonford, I was happy there, but that didn't matter. All because you have anger issues. So thanks a lot Liam, I hope you're enjoying your new life here with your new friends." You ran upstairs to your bedroom and locked the door.

You laid down on your bed, and tears started to fall. You then heard a tap on your window. You jumped up and opened it, and saw Brett. He immediately wrapped his arms around you when he saw the tears streaming down your face.

"Brett-" He cut you off.

"I heard everything."

"I can't break up with you."

"And you don't have to." He grabbed your hand and opened your bedroom door. He led you downstairs where the pack was. They all looked at you two.

"No." Liam said before Brett could even say anything.

"Liam, don't be that guy. I understand we have our differences, but I love your sister. She makes me happy, and I make her feel the same way. So please, don't be against this." Brett said to Liam. You smiled. Your brother turned to you.

"He makes you happy?" You nodded. "You love him too?"

"I do." You replied.

"Fine." Liam said. "But you hurt in anyway Talbot, and I will kill you, understood."

"Completely." Brett agreed.

"Now, get out of here before I change my mind." Liam said, shooing you off. Before you and Brett walked back upstairs, you ran over and hugged Liam.

"Thank you." You whispered.

"Yeah, yeah best brother in the world, I know."

"Yeah, whatever helps you fall asleep at night twin." 

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