theo raeken || gif imagines

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"You're cute when you're mad." requested by: sanandresmakaylen


Theo was back to his same crap of messing with your pack, and you weren't having it. You heard him in the library one day after school and decided to talk to him.

"Reaken." You said, approaching him. 

"Oh, hey beautiful."


"Stop what?" He questioned, smirking. Your heartbeat rose, and he heard.  This caused his smirk to turn into a smile.

"Just leave my pack alone okay? Our life is a lot better without you." You said with a straight face.

"You're so cute when you're mad

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"You're so cute when you're mad." Theo told you.

"Just leave us alone, okay?" 

You quickly left the library and sat in your car. One thing you are never able to do is control your emotions around Theo, and he knows that. And he loves it. 


"Tell me he's lying. Tell me it's not true." requested by: tomhollandtw


You were laying in bed one night when your brother, Stiles, barged in.

"What the hell Stiles?" You exclaimed, getting up from your bed. You noticed his appearance and walked closer to him. "What happened?"

"Your boyfriend happened." He had blood and scars all over his face. 

"What?" You then heard the doorbell ring, knowing it was Theo.

You ran downstairs, Stiles quickly following behind. You threw the front door open, and Theo let himself in.

"I can explain."

"Tell me he's lying

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"Tell me he's lying. Tell me it's not true. Tell me you didn't mean to do this." You said, tears in your eyes. 

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. Let me explain."

"I don't want your explanation. Just get out."

"Y/N --"

"Leave Theo!"

Theo nodded slightly, walking out the door. As soon as it closed you slide against it and fell to the ground, crying. 

"I'm sorry Y/N. I know you wanted him to be the guy you dreamed of. But he's not." Stiles said.

"Just go Stiles. I'm sorry this happened to you. But go." 

"Are you sure?"


Stiles walked away and you just cried. If only you knew Theo was outside your house, crying his eyes out too, because of how sorry he actually was. 


hey everyone :) not my best, but hope you enjoyed !

make sure you vote !!

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