isaac lahey (feat. scott mccall) | treat her right

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requested by: catfigas


Isaac and Scott have been crushing over you for months now, and both of them were constantly fighting and arguing over it. They would be obnoxious during pack meetings, and constantly bicker at lacrosse practice. This was one of those days. 

"Dude, she likes me." Isaac stated. 

"No, she doesn't." Scott countered.

"Will you two ever stop? Just ask her which one of you she likes!" Stiles shouted, annoyed with the two werewolves. 

"I might just do that." Isaac stated. 

"Fine. I'll go with you."

"Tomorrow morning we'll meet by her locker and ask." 

"Sounds like a plan." 


The boys waited anxiously at your locker, giving each other dirty looks. 

As you walked up to your locker, you were confused as to why Isaac and Scott were standing there. 

"Hey guys, is everything ok?" You questioned. 

"Yeah, peachy. We just uhh had a quick question." Isaac told you.


"Do you like either one of us? As in, like like?" Scott asked.

"Are you being serious?"

"Yes. We need to know."

"You two are friends, this is ridiculous." You stated.

"Y/N please."

"I guess I've always kind of had a thing for Isaac. But seriously you two are friends, and I don't want that to change." 

Isaac threw his hands up, and shouted at Scott, "I TOLD YOU HAHA." 

Scott smiled, and patted Isaac's shoulder.

"Treat her right or I'll kick your ass." Scott said, smiling, and walked away. 

Isaac turned to you. 

"Want to get coffee after school?" 

"Even though I feel bad... yes." You said, smiling. 


Isaac walked away, dancing as he walked. You looked at him and smiled, as you were excited to see where your future was going to take you. 


hahaha i didn't have much inspiration for this, im sorry! i hope yall enjoy !!

make sure to vote!!!

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