scott mccall | you stupid werewolves

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requested by: redheadbm


You were always getting into arguments with your boyfriend, Scott, and your brother, Stiles, when it came to you helping the pack. You always wanted to go out and contribute, but the two of them always fought you on it.

Today was different though. It was a all hands on deck situation to take down some alphas. You went with the pack, and of course things didn't go as planned. 

You, Scott, Derek, and Stiles were thrown to the wall. You and Stiles lay unconscious, while Scott and Derek got up and continued to fight. 

The lead alpha holds you up in front of Scott, his eyes immediately locked on you. 

"Is this your pretty girlfriend Scott? It would be a shame if something happened to her." The alpha taunted.

"Don't touch her." Scott growled.

"Oops." The alpha ripped into you, his claws running deep across your stomach and chest. You woke up immediately, the pain too overwhelming. You screamed as the pain grew. 


"May this be your last warning to back off Scott." 

The alpha dropped you to the floor, blood everywhere. Scott immediately ran to your side. 

"Y/N! Y/N PLEASE NO!" Scott shouted. "Derek what do I do?!" Scott asked, looking up at Derek.

"The only way to heal her from that bad of an injury is to bite her Scott."


"You have to."

Scott looked at you as tears ran down his face. He grabbed your arm and bit into it. He used his shirt to wrap up the bite, and carried you to the car. You and Stiles lay unconscious in the backseat of Derek's Camaro as Derek sped to his loft.


You woke up on Derek's couch, your head pounding. Your senses seemed to be off the wall. 

"She's awake!" Stiles said and was immediately at your side. "Are you ok? How are you feeling? Does it hurt? Do you want some water?"

"Stiles!" Derek shouted.


Scott came and sat next to you, holding your hand.

"What happened?" You asked.

"The alpha tore into you. I couldn't heal you, so I had to bite you. Y/N, I'm so sorry." Scott told you, tears swelling in his eyes. You looked at him and smiled slightly. You put your hand on his cheek and pressed your head against his.

"Scott, it's ok. Everything will be ok."

"I thought you would be mad."

"You saved my life, I couldn't be mad at that." You told him.

After a couple minutes of silence, Stiles broke it with his many thoughts.

"GREAT! First my best friend and now my sister! You stupid werewolves I swear!"

Everyone just looked at him, trying not to laugh. 

"And if you even think about leading her into dangerous situations again, you have another thing coming!" 

You got up and hugged Stiles.

"Calm down before you pull something, ok?" You told him.

"Yeah because then Scott will have to bite me too, right?" Stiles said with attitude. 

You all started laughing, and sat down on the couch. You forced Derek to watch a movie with you three, and he secretly loved every second of it. While Scott watched you the whole time, making sure his world was ok. 


so not my best work lol, but i hope you like it!

make sure you vote!

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