liam dunbar ♘ gif imagine [3]

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Liam Dunbar//"I had a nightmare about you and just wanted to make sure that you're okay."//Requested by: svenskrosa

Liam was tossing and turing as he dreamed about you. A pack of werewolves were attacking you, and he just stood there, unable to help you. He jolted awake, sweating, shaking, and wanting to make sure it wasn't real.

Liam ran to your house, not stopping until he got there.

When he did get to your house, he climbed up to your window and knocked on it. You squinted as you looked at your phone, seeing that it was three in the morning.

"Liam?" You questioned as you opened the window.

"I had a nightmare about you and just wanted to make sure that you're okay." You smiled, and pulled Liam into your room. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you placed your lips on his.

"I'm fine."

"I'm going to stay, just in case

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"I'm going to stay, just in case."

"Please do." You said, slightly laughing.

"Are you laughing at my love for you?"

"Not at all babe."


hi everyone! i am so sorry that i haven't updated on here and on the maze runner imagines book. i have been really busy and i've also been sick with a cold and i've had bad headaches so i haven't been wanting to stare at a screen. be patient with me guys. 

also, i am sooooo close to 2k votes!! so please, if you haven't voted on some imagines, go vote! 

make sure you vote :))

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