theo raeken ♞ meant for each other

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Requested by: kayalee1224

When Theo officially became somewhat part of the pack, that is when you and him started to get along better. You soon did everything together. Eventually, you started falling for each other, but neither of you ever said anything. Scott, Stiles, Liam, Lydia, and Malia were now talking about it all.

"Why can't they see that they're meant for each other?" Lydia questions.

"Because they aren't." Liam countered.

"Stop being like that, you know they're great together."


"Oh get over your crush on Y/N and actually help us." Malia told Liam.

"Wait, what are we going?"

"Getting them together, duh."


You were getting ready because you were going to meet Theo at your usual spot in the woods when Lydia and Malia walked into your apartment.

"Thanks for knocking." You said sarcastically.

"Where are you going?" Malia asked, ignoring your remark.

"To meet Theo." Malia and Lydia looked at each other. "What?" You questioned.

"For a date?"

"What? No. We don't like each other like that."

"You can't lie to me." Malia said.

"And I'm not."

"Malia, let's go." Lydia told her.


Lydia and Malia left, and you questioned that visit while driving to meet Theo. You knew how you felt about him, but you didn't know if he felt the same way. You weren't a werewolf, so you couldn't pick up on feelings.

You got out of you car and made your way through the trees. You finally saw the small clearing with the pond and rock. Theo was already there.

"What took you so long?" He asked, walking up to you. He pulled you into a hug.

"Lydia and Malia came by and were being weird." He pulled away.

"How weird?"

"They asked me where I was going, then asked if it was a date, and when I said no, they left."

"Why would they think this was a date?"

"Because they think we like each other." You told him. Theo just walked back over to the rock and sat down. "Okay, what's up?" You asked, sitting next to him.

"Because they aren't wrong and you know it."

"What are you taking about?"

"Y/N, I know you like me, and I thought it was pretty clear I felt the same way." Theo said, looking in your eyes.

"Can't keep anything from a werewolf, can you?"

"Chimera." He corrected. You laughed.

Theo started leaning in, and you were ready to kiss him, when you heard squealing. You both turned around and you saw Stiles standing there.

"Stiles!" He looked around and then sprinted in the other direction. He eventually came back because he was being held by Scott and Liam.

"Sorry." Scott said.

"Are you kidding me?" Theo questioned, slightly laughing.

"Where's Lydia and Malia?"

"Here!" You heard from the other direction. They came out of the trees and stood next to the boys.

"Oh my goodness." You mumbled.

"Can you all leave so I can kiss her?" They all looked at you and Theo.

"Right, umm bye." Liam took off. The others followed. Once they were all gone, you and Theo looked at each other again.

"Now can I kiss you?"

"Nah, that ruined the moment." You said, a smile on your face.


"No." You replied then placed a kiss on his lips. 


Sorry for any grammatical mistakes, I typed this pretty quickly. 

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