dating derek hale would include... [headcanon]

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Dating Derek Hale would include... [headcanon]

Requested by: svenskrosa

—him being protective 24/7

—never letting you out of his sight

—most of the pack boys liking you and always staring at you, and Derek having to threaten them

—working out together

—ending up in a hard core make-out session after the work out

—hating Peter because he always teases you two

—"Look, Derek has a heart!"

—Derek throwing him through a wall

—Derek showing a soft side toward you

—him only opening up to you

—you both being so in love

—saying 'I love you' after almost everything

—"Be safe. I'll see you at home soon, I love you Der."

—"I love you more."

—loving Isaac, Erica, and Boyd like children because you spent so much time with them

—crying your eyes out when you find Erica dead

—crying your eyes out when Boyd dies in Derek's arms

—Derek holding you and not wanting to let go

—you not wanting him to let you go

—him always coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist

—cuddling 24/7

—him acting like he's against it

—but really loves it more than you 


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